Reggie White and Nascar

At least someone of Jesse's own race is speaking out against his actions. And, Reggie White, no less........should/could get interesting ^_^
Thats exactly what I was thinking, what will he say now that one of his own is talking bad about him.
I wouldn't necessarily say Reggie was talking "bad" about Jesse, just giving his opinion that he wasn't following through with the purpose of the NASCAR "donations".
why doesn't this surprise me? I have no respect for Jesse Jackson.

I think what Reggie is doing is great. However, in hindsight, I don't think any of the minorities are being dicrminiated againist. Anyone who is qualified and skilled enough can race. Fitapaldi (sp) races...he is not from or born in least I don't think he is.

I don't know...I do know that what Jesse is doing does not surprise me....IMO

These are just my $.02
Reggie is very likely right, but truth hasn't mattered to Jesse Jackson in a very long time. Nothing is likely to change Mr Jackson's actions. He is making way too much money and has the undying loyalty of many deluded followers. Why would he quit now?
Jesse Jackson is an idiot.Green is the only color these self-serving hypocrites serve.Wake up African Americans and assorted other 'minorities'.Guys like Jackson are the true threat.
Jesse Jackson funneled this money from NASCAR and it isnt going to the benefit of our minority drivers. Thank God Reggie White is actually doing something to help the advancement of minority drivers in NASCAR by participating with the coach Joe Gibbs in having more minority drivers with late model teams. God Bless Reggie White and God Bless all those quarterbacks he taught a good lesson to back in his Football days.

Anyway back to Jesse Jackson. Mr. Jackson and Julian Bond (leader of the NAACP) are basically radicals and troublemakers in the political world who have hijacked the NAACP, an organization which used to promote the advancement of all colored peoples has now been turned into a radical political indoctrination house. Just this week, Julian Bond called President Bush's Administration, an administration which dons the Confederate Swaschtika. Now personally, I could care less about the Confederate flag but Bond basically turned his back on a flag which still holds roots in our nations history and represents a small group of our people in America and to turn it into something evil would be kinda stupid in itself.

I hope NASCAR can erase Jesse Jackson from it's agenda and turn to other pursuits to get more minorities involved, lots of minority drivers like Bill Lester and pit crew coordinators like Al Shuford are already involved and owners like Willy T. Ribbs (former IndyCar driver) and Olympic Gold Medalist Jackie Joyner Kersee are also involved as well. NASCAR is definetely improving on race-based issues and has always been successful in race-based issues and fellas, I dont think it'll be long until we see NASCAR's version of Tiger Woods.
J.Jackson is worshipped by his own race. If the blacks were to choose between Reggie and Jesse. They would choose Jesse 3 to1. So Reggie's comments don't weigh much in the black community.
Are you aledging that all african-americans are rebelling radicals Gollum? The african american community is just as conservative as we are and most of them hate Jackson. Secondly, I like to hear what evidence you have those most african americans lean towards Jackson, because most african americans believe in conservatism and moral values just like everyone else.
You say they are conservative. Yep your right. That why 92% of the Afircan American vote for Liberial Dems. Thats why when Jackson leads a rally the has a few thousand followering him. And if you are trying to drag old Gollum in to a debate then forget it. I have got better things to do. Have a nice day. :lol: I have said my peace and I am done.
Oh by the way There was nothing in that post that gave any hint that I said the Aferican American didn't have morals. That was your idea not mine. Nuff said.
I was just saying that you need to reinforce your argument. Now, most African Americans believe in God, believe in pro-life and believe in the American dream and basically are morally conservative, I cant say much for the fiscal part. I can understand your point that 92% of all African Americans vote for Liberal Democrats and thats because the NAACP which is basically a non-profit organization has been hijacked by radicals like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. With that, Jackson and Sharpton purposely go out and lie to the African American population and tell them to vote for ultra-radical candidates who have an agenda to ruin the country like Howard Dean or Dennis Kucinich. And with the power the NAACP has within the African American community, theyre going to attract lots of souls. Now, if the African American community would actually hear the evils within the Democratic Party and listen to the party which most of their values are categorized into, I think they'd vote for the Republican party like they did in years past.
I have said what I said and I stand on it. Besides you haven't based your post on facts. Just opinions. I go by what I see on Fox news, CNN. News papers and what I see here in the south. That may not be good enought for you but it's good enought for me. So as far as I am concerned it's closed.
and I'm pretty sure you do know that FOX News is an ultra-ultra right wing network ?
Originally posted by Happy29@Jul 21 2003, 09:36 PM
and I'm pretty sure you do know that FOX News is an ultra-ultra right wing network ?
If that is the case, then you might also say that CNN is an ultra-ultra left wing network.

See.......Gollum balances his news by viewing both. :lol:
Yes, that is rather comical :D, might I suggest watching MSNBC ? MSNBC is more balanced between the two.
What is comical is you. I have watch MSNBC. It is no more balance than the other two. But you are one of those people that think that your opinon is the only one that matters. 97 was right you over estimate your worth. :lol:
Yeah, at least I REINFORCE MY ARGUMENTS. At least I dont blatantly go out and say that all African Americans are liberal radicals, it is you my friend thou art the comical one.
You haven't reinforced anything. You gave an opinon and that was all. You gave one news source. You aint done crap. And I have not once said that African American are liberal radicals. You said that not me. And you are the joke. :D :XXROFL: :lol: There is no need for this conversation to go on.
Originally posted by majestyx@Jul 24 2003, 02:05 AM
Okay, to your respective corners, please.  ;)  Let's play nice.
I am done. :lol: But would you like to be accused of saying something that you did not say. :(
Me the joke ? Nice personal attack buddy, you cant stand a real debate now cant ya, firstly you attack the message not the man, now that personal attack was plain crap. I think you're the joke, everything I've done and said on the forum you've closely scrutinized, what d'ya think you are some sort of stalker ?
:lol:I don't give a flying flip what you think. Again you over state your worth. :lol:
But I tell you what. Both of us like this board and neither one is going anywhere. So I will offer the olive branch. Let's forget about this and go on to other treads. :)
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