Remember when...


Ward Burton

Remember when...we had 152 users online, on Feb 9 2003, 10:19 AM. We don't even get close to that anymore! We are lucky to have 20 on at the same time...
Yes,I do remember that Ward.That was pretty cool.Maybe we should do a membership drive....everyone should invite at least one Kurt Busch fan to the board!There must be several thousand of us out there!Just imagine the names:Make97upyours,97always,heavenis97,KurtBuschwhacked,etc.Man would that be cool or what!
Yep that was cool. But we have had a lot of people leave. If you notice there is just a small handful that post now. Don't know where everyone went. :(
I think everyone here needs to meet on here at one about July 19th, at 6:00 est.? That way we will see If there are many still here...?
Originally posted by 97forever@Jul 10 2003, 08:16 PM
Yes,I do remember that Ward.That was pretty cool.Maybe we should do a membership drive....everyone should invite at least one Kurt Busch fan to the board!There must be several thousand of us out there!Just imagine the names:Make97upyours,97always,heavenis97,KurtBuschwhacked,etc.Man would that be cool or what!
Are you feeling all alone 97? :( With all the attempts to bring new Busch fans here? It's the ears dear, if he would just tape them to his head I might pull for him....well okay probably not! :p
Originally posted by DeeDee@Jul 11 2003, 10:26 AM
Are you feeling all alone 97? :( With all the attempts to bring new Busch fans here? It's the ears dear, if he would just tape them to his head I might pull for him....well okay probably not! :p
ROTFLMAO! Dee, you're so bad! (go get 'em girl!) :XXROFL: :cheers:
OH HAR 'DEE' HAR HAR!!!!laugh,laugh,chuckle ,chuckle!You guys just crack me up.Ha ha ha . Hope NBC doesn't get wind of you guys or Jay and Conan are out the door!

Ha ha ha ha ha .....( :p )
Originally posted by 97forever@Jul 12 2003, 07:16 AM
OH HAR 'DEE' HAR HAR!!!!laugh,laugh,chuckle ,chuckle!You guys just crack me up.Ha ha ha . Hope NBC doesn't get wind of you guys or Jay and Conan are out the door!

Ha ha ha ha ha .....( :p )
I was gone for a long time (just got busy and stuff) and came back, if that helps! Yeah, right, that's what the world has been waiting for, LOL! :)
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