Richard Wade Cooey is scheduled to die by lethal injection. Sentenced to die by the State of Ohio for the 1986 robbery, rape, and murder of two sorority sisters. In 1986, Cooey and a friend Clint Dickens got drunk, smoked some pot and then things got really ugly. They stopped on a freeway overpass to urinate over the edge as cars past below. The got the idea to start throwing rocks at cars who passed under them. Dickens grabbed a 35 pound piece of concrete and threw it at the windshield of the ladies brand new 1986 Pontiac Fiero. The women had no idea they had been targeted and stopped to assess the damage. These two guys and a third friend who bailed when it got crazy stopped by to offer help. The women accepted a ride. They took them to a pay phone so they could call their parents and then decided to have some fun with them first. They robbed them. They raped them for 90 minutes or so and finally beat them to death with a billy club Cooey kept in his car. These idiots then tried selling off the jewelry they had taken off the women ans bragged to several friends of what they had done. When Cooey was arrested he had one of the victims sport watch on his wrist.
Dickens pleaded "no contest" and was sentences to 2 life term because he was 17 years old at the time. Cooey was sentenced to die, but it has taken 17 freaking years for it to finally happen! The victims families deserve much swifter justice that to have to go through 17 years of appeals to have any closure. The parents of one of the girls have chosen not to witness the execution. The other girls family has chosen to view it and has even accepted the seats the other family chose not to use. If it was my family member, I am quite sure I would want to see him die with my own eyes.
Dickens pleaded "no contest" and was sentences to 2 life term because he was 17 years old at the time. Cooey was sentenced to die, but it has taken 17 freaking years for it to finally happen! The victims families deserve much swifter justice that to have to go through 17 years of appeals to have any closure. The parents of one of the girls have chosen not to witness the execution. The other girls family has chosen to view it and has even accepted the seats the other family chose not to use. If it was my family member, I am quite sure I would want to see him die with my own eyes.