Riders shocked on DART train

mike honcho

Feb 9, 2009
DALLAS - A North Texas man has filed a complaint with Dallas Area Rapid Transit about what he says he and his granddaughter were exposed to on a train.

Last month Rickey Peterson and his 5-year-old granddaughter took the train to the VA hospital. During the afternoon ride they saw a woman on her knees performing a sex act on a man in the seat across the isle.

“I had my granddaughter with me that day and I think it kind of shocked both of us to see that,” he said. “She sees them first and she nudged me on my shirt. I was looking out the window and I jumped up and grabbed her and took her to another seat.”

Peterson said he was so angry he went back to his original seat, pulled out his cell phone and started recording video. He said he wanted to say something to the couple but restrained himself.

“I didn’t pay to get on a train and witness that type of porno,” he said.

Peterson said he talked to a Dallas police officer who told him to file a complaint with DART. He did just that, especially since he said there had been a DART employee on the train checking tickets.

DART said it had not seen the video and that Peterson would not give it to the transit police so they could investigate.

“We are very concerned about this claim and we hope Mr. Peterson will respond to our repeated request to share the video with us to aid in the investigation,” DART said.

The disabled veteran said the trains are his only means of transportation.

“Back and forth to the VA hospital and the things that we have to go through to get there, it should be stopped. We shouldn’t have to suffer that type and my granddaughter shouldn’t have to see that stuff at her age. She is only 5,” Peterson said.

Read more on myFOXdfw.com: http://www.myfoxdfw.com/dpp/news/riders-shocked-by-sex-act-on-dart-train-011012#ixzz1j6QJqB2v

So he's shocked and videos it but won't give them the video to investigate it????
I'm sorry guys, I thought she and I were in an area where we couldn't be seen. We'll try and be more careful next time.
So he goes back - with the kid, I assume - and shoots some video but wont release it to the DART?

Don't get me wrong - those people should have more sense - but so should he.
Perhaps he wont let them have the video because his cell phone was shaking rhythmically while he taped. :eek:

Why didn't he walk his daughter out of that car and find security?
oh the mental pain and suffering he and his granddaughter must have gone through. ka-ching$$$, ka-ching$$$, ka-ching$$$.
oh the mental pain and suffering he and his granddaughter must have gone through. ka-ching$$$, ka-ching$$$, ka-ching$$$.

While this could be the case and the plaintiff shouldn't get a dime for mental anguish or some other trumped up claim, Texas has tort reform laws that place caps on certain types of claims and injuries.
God forbid anyone with a legitimate claim should be compensated.
Insurance companies sold this to the Texas Legislature and tort reform was passed in 2003. Thank you Rick Perry!:sarcasm:
Update: Turns out the woman was just fixing her boyfriends badly jammed zipper and needed to use her teeth.
While this could be the case and the plaintiff shouldn't get a dime for mental anguish or some other trumped up claim, Texas has tort reform laws that place caps on certain types of claims and injuries.
God forbid anyone with a legitimate claim should be compensated.
Insurance companies sold this to the Texas Legislature and tort reform was passed in 2003. Thank you Rick Perry!:sarcasm:

What you a lawyer? Only people I know that are against tort reform are lawyers.
What you a lawyer? Only people I know that are against tort reform are lawyers.

I'm not a lawyer and haven't stayed at a Holiday Inn recently either. I am against frivolous lawsuits however. If what he says is true he should turn this over to the authorities, I assume even in Texas that have laws about indecent exposure.

BTW, If only the people you know are against tort reform might I suggest you need to know more people.
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