

Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
Just got back home from Raleigh where we had a great Mother's Day. We had brunch at Tir na nOg, an Irish pub and eatery in Raleigh. For my friends who live close by, give this a try, really great. We sat and shot the bull for two full hours with the son and his wife and a cousin of the wife. After that, we traipsed off to the Performing Arts Center for the show. I have the DVD of Riverdance and have seen it several times and at one time last year, the wife heard me say that I wish that I hadn't missed the show that has been here in Winston a couple of times. She found the nearest place they were performing and bought two tickets and gave them to me for Christmas. Today was show time and I was tickled pink over the performance. Though I've seen the show on the DVD, the wife hadn't watched it with me and really didn't know much about it, except that there was a bunch of people tap dancing. She liked the show but after the second half started and she watched the scene called "Trading Taps", she said that really got to her because she tap danced as a youngster and knows what is involved in the dance. This scene, for those who've never seen the show, is about three Irish boys, having come to America, witness a couple of black boys flailing away to some hip sax music. Soon there is competition between the two differing styles and it is terrific. To me, there isn't anything that can compare to the ending scene of the first half and again the last scene with the entire tap troupe dance in unison. Sent chills up my back and the ending even included all the dancers with the exception of the singers.

The music was top notch Celtic music as well as some Spanish and Russian music. The percussionist and the fiddler are featured more than the others, but they are all great. Two instruments of Irish descent are the uilleann pipe and the low whistle, both of which are beautiful. The show opens with the low whistle and it sets the tone for the entire show.

This show is absolutely a must see if it comes to your area. You will not be disappointed.

As a side note, there are several different people who play the lead role in the touring troupe. When the lead female came out on the stage, the wife whispered to me, I don't think she's Irish. Her name is Mairead Musada. Mairead played the lead for the first time in March of this year and did a great job today. She is oriental, but is indeed Irish as she grew up there. Goes to show you that these days, you can't always tell the nationality of a person from their looks.
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