Well since this went to the Bar,and Grill
Here is a joke.
A little boy decides to buy a goat,and a cart.
He is going to get him a little girl,But the problem is he can't talk very good.He hooks up the goat to the cart,and heads out.
He gets in the cart,and says get up doat,And the goat takes off.
He comes upon a little girl,and says,"Whoa Doat! Dit in little Dirl,And det up Doat.They go down the road a ways,And he says.How bout given me some lovin little Dirl,And she says no way I can't do that.He says whoa!Doat,dit out Dirl,ditt up Doat.
Well this happens a couple more times,and The last stop he makes he picks up the most beatiful little girl he has ever seen.
They go down the road,And he says How bout giving me some lovin little dirl? Once again the little girl says No I can't do that.So the little Guys say's What the hell,Dit out little dirl,Dit in doat.