Robert Taylor: NASCAR Artist


Jan 15, 2013
Welland, Ontario
Hey guys you should check out this guys art. He's a friend of my family. He's a great artist I've seen tonnes more of his work. What's even more amazing is that he sketches these all by hand and he has Parkinson's Disease. I was just showed this article about his work and thought Id share.

[URL=''][URL=''] [/URL] [/URL] <-- This one has always been my favourite... its a pretty big pic.. about 2' x 3' and the attention to detail is amazing.


There are many more in the article... I think it's great that he's finally getting some recognition.. a lot of the drawings are signed too.
As a v-drive, drag boat nut. Hell yeah for the Eddie Hill Top Fuel Dragster.

Your friend has some talent and a real respect for racing history.

If he keeps it up he might be the next Sam Bass
Congratulate your friend for me. Very nice art work right there.

I wish I was half as good as he is.
Great pieces. Does he do it just for fun or is he pursuing any kind of revenue on them?
So yeah I don't really know how other than this but I would like to do what I can to help get this guy noticed. I mean clearly he already has been somewhat but for his sake I'd like to see him really get out there He is such an amazing artist and his story is even more amazing. He deserves it, one of the funniest guys Ive ever known in my life. If you guys could share this article and maybe just show some people these pictures and help get him out there in any way I'd appreciate it. I know some of you have connections or know people who know people so whatever anyone could do to help get it out there would be very appreciated.

Thanks for checkin it out, I'm still amazed every time I go to this guys house I spend half the time looking at all the new pictures and that big watercolor of the Harvick car. Being somewhat of an artist myself I know how tough it is and I am always amazed by the attention to detail. I mean damn in some of the pics you can see wrinkles in the sheet metal or the glare off the "headlights".
Great pieces. Does he do it just for fun or is he pursuing any kind of revenue on them?
Check out the article.

Started doing it to get into the track Saturday nights lol trading drawings for admission.. now I think he just wants autographs and to meet people. He's met Robert Yates, Michael Waltrip, Junior Johnson, Brad Keselowski and a few more, and also smaller name guys from local tracks and The Canadian Tire Series. I think he just wants to be part of the culture really. He is the biggest race fan Ive ever know. He actually helped get me into NASCAR in the first place.

He also has Parkinson's disease, was diagnosed a few years back and for a while couldn't even do his art. Has since gotten much better, I think its an amazing story.

He's also amazing with an air brush.
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