Rodeo Anyone?

i like goin' to them....but cant watch one on tv.

I rode a mecanical bull once for 7.99999999999 8 i was on the ground :lol:
I like the bull riding part. UT Martin up here has a Rodeo every spring. It should be about time for them to have it this year.
I don't think I would want to be a Rodeo clown. Looks like the accibent rate would be sorta high on that job. :lol:
Murray State has one heck of a rodeo, (well 2) the Bull Blow Out......iv always wanted to play cowboy poker, :lol:

we was watching Rodeo bloopers in class one day (an ag class) and this bull came out and in one blow took ok all the guys playing poker....the guy that one was still in his chair like 3 foot off the ground. :lol: (just one of them things you have to see)
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