"Runaway" Prius? Very interesting reading

I always thought this was a bit phony from the get go. What got me was him saying that he was afraid the car would flip if he put the car in neutral. This made the main network news, now let's see if it will be re-visited.

It always amazes me that the news media, and society in general, will continue to pile onto a story no matter what the subject if the subject is shown to be a negative. It's been done with race, it's been done with big corporations, it's been done with oil, pharmacy, banking, tobacco, sexuality, you name it. If it can be a national story, and the media can make a splash, many times the story runs before the facts are in. Those stories can be the beginning of more stories and then more. Toyota is just the latest to have this happen.
I smelled a rat as soon as this story hit the media. How can you not use the emergency brake,which is indepedent of the primary brake system.
And down shifting,even in an automatic,will slow down a vehicle.Shut off the ignition,down shift and e-brake all at the same time,would have slowed inertia to some extent.
Toyota has had a bad run as of late,and baloney like this story"stink,stink" does not help.

Interesting read BTW!
You'd think a guy who hosted a website called adultswinglife.com would be much more reputable. Wouldn't you?
All I know about the Prius I learned from a fellow in CT who has one and that I buy antique hand tools from, yes I know I have a problem and need rehab. :)
(37 hand planes, none newer then WWII vintage)

It's a completely different breed of cat, it's basically "fly by wire" technology. Press a button to go forward & step on the gas. I know he said he had experienced a braking problem with his. He gotten the "aw chit" moment when he's stepped on the brake and nothing happened for a moment.

As we all know computers aren't 100% reliable 100% of the time. I think this guy in Calif with his financial problems is/was looking for a way to get out of paying for his.

I also think there may be a serious with the system Prius uses.
My 2¢
All I know is now that the government is involved we will know the true story SOON.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
All I know is now that the government is involved we will know the true story SOON.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
a hell of a lot sooner than if they weren't involved. lying to the public and lying to congress/govt agencies is 2 way different animals.
my 2 cents,

first i have 2 Toyota's both have fly by wire systems 1 is an 2001 with 97,000+ the other a 2008 with 60,000+ ( i know that's a lot of miles for an 08 but my commute is right at 100 miles round trip) have never had any problems what so ever with the throttle system. and there has never been a problem with the brakes ether, in fact the 2001 still has the original brake pads on it.
anyway it seems strange to me that these problems all of a sudden cropped up just in thing for the melt down at the big 3. as for the state trooper that was killed in Cali. what a dumb ass all you have to do is put it in NETURAL. the guy was obviously not the sharpest nail in the box.
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