Originally posted by Happy29@Oct 11 2003, 01:29 AM
I'm no fan of Limbaugh's poltics, I think Rush has to swallow his pride, forget about some other things in his life like his show and his politics enough to seek assistance because this addiction will hook on to him, I read in a few articles it'll be hard to get out of this addiction that Rush is facing and it might've nearly killed him if he hadn't admitted that he had a problem and hadn't checked himself into a clinic.
I'd like to make it clear before anyone starts to raise up a debate against me, I dont dislike the guy because of the general perception people have of him. I honestly dislike him for his views and the many positions he's taken on issues around the country and around the world however I find it hard to sympathize with a person like Rush Limbaugh who has made a career out of attacking people for drug addictions and smearing other people's reputations. But if there is one main theme that runs throughout his shows, it is that Personal Responsibility and Accountability are paramount. That is something I was taught long before I ever heard his name, so that is something that many including I around the country believe in.
Of course, It's too early for us to tell what will happen to Mr. Limbaugh in the long run. He may not be in trouble criminally but he's probably having a personal hell right now and whatever happens, all of America will be watching.