Rusty's Kid Sucks OK, Do Sumthin Else...

  • Thread starter Restrictor Plate King!
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Restrictor Plate King!

Am I the only one who thinks NASCAR should pull Steve Wallace's racing license before he kills himself or someone else. This kid has a serious problem with car control, heck he ran into a fence pole leaving the garage area during testing, that shoud've been it. He's fast sometimes but just no good at controlling his car or knowing where other drivers & objects are at. Ernie Irvan kinda had this problem when he first started but got over it and became, for a short time, one of NASCAR's best. Steve's been in this game now for a few years and still seems like he hasn't learned anything. There's just too much at stake here, only reason he still has a ride is because of daddy. He should swallow his pride and hand the wheel over to someone else...
I said it would be lap 102, started by wallace. It was lap 112, and somebody tagged steven to start it.

Not bad, eh?
Why are you dipsticks jumping on Steven Wallace? He did nothing wrong, he was hit!!! If you don't like him thats OK, but when you LIE about him, thats not!!! [flaming language removed] I no big fan of S. W. but he did nothing wrong. Duane:growl:
Why are you dipsticks jumping on Steven Wallace? He did nothing wrong, he was hit!!! If you don't like him thats OK, but when you LIE about him, thats not!!! Try to get a maturity level above sh*thead before you post anything else.I no big fan of S. W. but he did nothing wrong. Duane:growl:

Wow, a very mature post. Sets a great example. :rolleyes: :D
I will say this about Steven........and no I'm not flamin him, or bashin him... just my obsevation.
Dad and I had the chance to go to Tom Johnsons RV world and spend the day with Marvin Panch, a true racin legend and hero..... a pioneer that made what these guys do possible. In walks Steven. He had a lil enterouge (sp?) with him..... well he was prancin around and preenin for the staff, like he was a Daytona 500 winner, instead of Pancho, who WAS. He walked by the table and TURNED HIS HEAD, mumbled somethin and kept walkin. Never cared much for him before, but even less now. Sorry to break the news to ya Steven, but Pancho did more in a LAST YEARS, SCRAPPED THROW AWAY CAR THAN YOU HAVE DONE WITH YOUR DADDY"S BEST EQUIPMENT! ( for the record, Marvin won the 500 in Fireball's hand-me-down..... a car that he and couple of crew members pulled outside the shop and rebuilt on their own time..... albeit it was a Smokey Yunich left oever, but still.........)
Wow, a very mature post. Sets a great example. :rolleyes: :D

Not my job to set an example, if youir the politness CZAR knock your selfout.So you care to tell me where it is so mature to LIE about a young man who did nothing wrong? SPEAK UP!!! Duane:growl:
Why are you dipsticks jumping on Steven Wallace? He did nothing wrong, he was hit!!! If you don't like him thats OK, but when you LIE about him, thats not!!! Try to get a maturity level above sh*thead before you post anything else.I no big fan of S. W. but he did nothing wrong. Duane:growl:
Just where do you get off calling forum members "dipsticks' and "****head". Just try for a change to agree to disagree without the name calling. It really isn't very funny.
Not my job to set an example, if youir the politness CZAR knock your selfout.So you care to tell me where it is so mature to LIE about a young man who did nothing wrong? SPEAK UP!!! Duane:growl:

Try to get a maturity level above sh*thead before you post anything else.I no big fan of S. W. but he did nothing wrong. Duane

You are the one that brought up the maturity level. Case Closed. :)
Just where do you get off calling forum members "dipsticks' and "****head". Just try for a change to agree to disagree without the name calling. It really isn't very funny.

Don't recall trying to be funny, but I do recall people lying, pays yer money, takes yer choice!! I stand by the statement, SW is being bad mouthed for something he didn't do. Duane
You are the one that brought up the maturity level. Case Closed. :)

Gee, you failed to answer the question, case reopened. What is so mature about lieing about a person that has done nothing wrong in this instance? Duane
How many times did Gordon crash his first year?

How did this become a Gordon hate thread?

Why is it that all the Burton fans want to hate on Gordon? Dude relax.

To answer your question..he didn't crash that many times on his first full year. You trying to compare Steve with how Gordon did his first years is really..well..stupid.

Back on topic..Steve does suck and needs to go back to "focus" on what you're doing school.
Well i have to weigh in on this.... Steven wallace has some talent, but he isn't under control and has been given a ride with great equipment , has failed to do anything substantial with it, and needs to reach a level of maturity much higher than he is at now to become a successful racer.;)
Gee, you failed to answer the question, case reopened. What is so mature about lieing about a person that has done nothing wrong in this instance? Duane

Name calling is childish and is used as the only method some people can muster to express themselves.
Gee, you failed to answer the question, case reopened. What is so mature about lieing about a person that has done nothing wrong in this instance? Duane

Muddy, just my personal view, but here's my take on the kid. I saw him win his first race in a late model here in NC and to do it, he tore up a whole lot of cars, including his own. That showed me that he is still quite immature and that he will take all the chances in the world to win. He has a strong urge to win at all cost, not unlike Kyle Busch, but just hasn't got the tallent Busch has. Maybe one of these days he will learn when to move and when to stay where you are, but that's a ways off yet. Steven makes too many moves that are in error at the present and again, I believe it's from his immaturity. If he ever really becomes a contender and continues on this present course, I'm sure the other drivers will approach him as they did Ernie Irvan back in the day.
I have been dually chastized for language, so be it, I'll be more careful.

Kelloggs, Mark Martin did about the same thing, at Daytona, this year, shouldn't he be chastized,too?(he hit a post)

Whizzer, lying about a driver as Restrickor Plate King did, IN THIS INSTANCE, not what he did last year or last month or last week is still wrong and name calling in my book.

As I stated before, I'm no Steven W. fan but fair is fair, at least wait untill he does something to desearve the wrath. JMO Duane
Kelloggs, Mark Martin did about the same thing, at Daytona, this year, shouldn't he be chastized,too?(he hit a post)

JMO Duane

I love Mark Martin, but he's not perfect.
I love my brother, but I'm not blind to the mistakes he's made in racing. Yes, we call him on it. Thank goodness, my brother is not closed minded about them either.

All's good in the neighborhood. :)
As I stated before, I'm no Steven W. fan but fair is fair, at least wait untill he does something to desearve the wrath. JMO Duane

Like hit a fence post instead of the 30 foot opening between them. He did that already. If he can't park the car, what makes you think he can drive it over 180 mph?

Sorry. I just think its a funny picture that shows what a twit he is.
With enough seat time he should get better. If not Rusty may have to sell his helicopter or airplane or something...
OK, everyone back away from the keyboard and take a deep breath.

Steven is a good kid, I'm sure. He's proven that he can drive fast. What he's not proven to race fans is that he combine driving fast with making good decisions on the track with 42 other competitors.

I'm not saying that he is the only young driver to ever make mistakes on the track --- we've even got veterans doing stupid things.

IMO, what makes Steven's errors so glaring is that his father is in the TV booth and everyone knows Rusty.

Steven is having to fight the same fight that Kyle Petty did. Same thing Dale Jr. still does. Everyone tries to make them into their fathers -- and they aren't.

Steven is just unlucky in the fact that the media jumps on every mistake.

Let's relax, people. If the drivers aren't angry enough to say things, and if Rusty is content to keep paying the bills ---- it is NOT OUR PROBLEM.
Steven is just unlucky in the fact that the media jumps on every mistake.

And the media is more likely than not to show us the mistakes because of Rusty. If SW was just Joe Schmoe we probably wouldn't see half the stuff Steven does that we see.
Actually, I think Steven gets a pass on race nights since Rusty is in the booth during the Nationwide races since they're on ESPN2.

It wasn't Steven's fault this past weekend. He was run into, but he certainly crashed out a lot of drivers last season. I guess we'll just have to see if he remembers that "smart" note taped inside his car for the rest of the season.
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