Sad Day



My grandma's cat died today! She was a old cat and kinda went down hill fast. Last night my grandma said that she would be surprised if the cat lived another month. Then today My Grandma went out to go to a CAR club meeting, when she came home she found the cat dead.
Today is the 9th, and my grandpa died on the 9th, her mother died on the 9th. The withing the past week My grandma's neighbors son died, and My aunts mother-in-law died. So its been a bad week.
They say death comes in groups of 3, lets hope that the cat Snuggles was the third

I told this knowing that there is a few cat lovers here
I'm sorry to hear you loss. We lost our cat about 2 years ago at about this time of year :(
Sorry to hear about this. And the generally bad week. Hope things start to improve.
Sorry to hear about that my friend. Keep your chin up, things can only get better.
Sorry for your loss. Hope your week gets better soon.
My cat Jr. (yes after Dale Jr.) got ran over :huh: Such the sweetest and kindest cat. Sorry for your loss, and granma's.
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