Sad news


Staff member
Sep 7, 2002
My cousin Mark died of cancer this afternoon. He was only 43. He leaves a wife, Katie, and two sons. Alex is 11 and Joe is 9. They were with him when he died. It was very sudden and traumatic for them. Thoughts and prayers for Katie, Alex and Joe would be appreciated.
Having weathered a similar storm lately NW, all my thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time. Please let them know they are never alone at these sad times.
My heart breaks for them. :(
sending good thoughts and prayers their way. Im very sorry for your loss NW.
Warm thoughts and prayers headed your way, NW. Sorry for you family's loss. :lilangel:
Sending a prayer up now from Louisiana. Sorry to hear about your family's loss.
I am so sorry to hear oh your loss nascarwoman. Thoughts and Prayers to you and your family.
NW, my prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family. My heart breaks for Alex, Joe and Katie. It is so tradgic when kids that young loose a parent.
Your forum family will be here for you, if you need us.
Prayers go out for the family. Been through that it's a living Hell. :(
This saddens my heart to hear this NW. :( I am very sorry for your loss and the loss of their dad. I know you will stay strong for them and my thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. Just give us a peck on the shoulder if you need anything.
Nascarwoman...for what it's worth I lost a cousin to cancer at the age of 35. His name was Mark also. He didn't leave a wife or children behind, but it was really a hard thing to go through nonetheless.

Those children really will need our prayers and all the help they can get from those family members left behind. They are lucky to have people like you in their lives. I will pray also for wisdom on the part of you all.
I just got back from the was many devastated people. The worst part was watching the boys trying to cope with that fact that their daddy will never come home. We're all hanging in there, but at times, it's hard,

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers...they have helped. Thanks fir letting me vent, but most of all, thanks for forum folk are the best.
Cancer has claim two of mine and Gollum's family, it shows no mercy. My prayers are with you and the family. It's very hard on children that age to loose a parent. GOD BE WITH THEM....
I send my thoughts and condolences to your family Nascarwoman. This is truly sad news indeed :(
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