Sad Time

muggle not

Team Owner
Jun 21, 2003
My wife's younger sister passed away tonight.........cancer.
I'm sorry for your loss. My prayers and thoughts go out to your wife, you, and her family.
Sorry to hear that. Thoughts and prayers.

Cancer sucks.... I wish we could get a cure for that damn thing.
I'm so sorry Muggle. I'll keep your wife, you and all of your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks everyone, it has been a tough week. We attended the funeral on Thursday.

Shoot, on top of everything else, I think I may have Lyme Disease. Thursday morning I noticed a little "bite" on my upper arm and a small red rash surrounding it. The rash has gotten bigger and is now about 2+ inches diameter. I have checked out the symptoms on several health sites and it has symptoms of Lyme disease. Guess I will go to the Urgent Care Center tomorrow before I drive back to Charlotte. I have to be careful about taking antibiotics as i am allergic to certain "families" and they can be fatal to me.
Muggle, I hope you don't have lime crap. That's some bad stuff. Sorry to hear about the loss in your family. Keeping you and family in my prayers.
Muggle, I sure hope it's not Lyme Disease. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers along with your family.
I went to the Urgent Care is NOT Lyme Disease, some other type critter bite. Doc gave me a prescription to get filled.
I thought I had Lyme disease once. I just stopped putting the darn things on my margaritas and before you know it everything was right as rain... :D
I thought I had Lyme disease once. I just stopped putting the darn things on my margaritas and before you know it everything was right as rain... :D

LOL Keep tipping those margaritas and you won't notice a THING wrong with you. :D

Glad you don't have that, Muggle. They tested my husband for it back when it turned out he had rheumatoid arthritis. Might have been better to have Lyme Disease and get rid of it, but yeah ..... the symptoms can be nasty.
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