Saddam's sons Quasi and Odai dead

I agree TRL, but it is comforting to know that the terror these two animals inflicted on people will happen no more. :angry:
The horendous acts of terror that those 2 inflicte on their own people was mind-boggling to say the least. They invented ways to torture people for no apparent reason. I have very little trouble rejoicing in the deaths of murderers. Ohio is going to execute a murderer this week. The details of the double robbery, rape and murder by this guy have been in the newspaper again as his death draws near. The only trouble I have with the whole thing is that his accomplice in this crime was 17 at the time and he recieved 2 life sentences instead of the death penalty.
Those two guys and their father were demons in the flesh. I hate to say this but the world is a safer place that their gone.
I dont think we've made the world a safer place at all by just killing these two, where are the WMDS ? I'm a conservative Republican but I have to ask that question. By just killing Qusay and Uday I think it'll promote backlash among the die-hard Arabs in the region and there are plenty still loyal to Saddam Hussein in Iraq, unfortunately, and by killing them and not capturing them, I think we've lost another vital link to finding Saddam Hussein. Well, I dont think the human rights violations will stop either, in my opinion the Government set up by Mr Paul Bremer and President Bush is not really being thought of high in the Iraqi Population. The only government that these Iraqis want is another Religous Fundamentalist Government like in Iran, when or if the Iraqis get that, then unfortunately, the human rights violations and political party assasinations will start all over again.
Originally posted by Happy29@Jul 22 2003, 11:27 PM
I dont think we've made the world a safer place at all by just killing these two, where are the WMDS ? I'm a conservative Republican but I have to ask that question. By just killing Qusay and Uday I think it'll promote backlash among the die-hard Arabs in the region and there are plenty still loyal to Saddam Hussein in Iraq, unfortunately, and by killing them and not capturing them, I think we've lost another vital link to finding Saddam Hussein. Well, I dont think the human rights violations will stop either, in my opinion the Government set up by Mr Paul Bremer and President Bush is not really being thought of high in the Iraqi Population. The only government that these Iraqis want is another Religous Fundamentalist Government like in Iran, when or if the Iraqis get that, then unfortunately, the human rights violations and political party assasinations will start all over again.
I agree 100% but, that is two thugs I don't have to worry about later in life when one of my girls is on an airplane or in a high rise office building somewhere in the big city. I applaude the U.S. Army for what they have done.
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Jul 23 2003, 06:12 AM
Happy...Are you really Bill Mahre in disguise? ^_^
Yes. I mean No, Bill Mahre is a bleeding heart liberal, on social and fiscal policies I'm a conservative and the rest is neutral. I dont think we've made the world safer by killing these two, we still cant find Saddam yet, and we've lost the initiative to finding Saddam unfortunately. We havent made the world safer because we dont know if they were even hooked up with the 9.11 attacks and we cant even prove that. It's great that we took out two guys who've represented hatred and terror in the middle east, but I think we've only taken the Bud Shootout and the Twin 125 only and have yet to get the Daytona 500 meaning we havent captured Saddam yet. I think unless we can find very good leads inside that Mosul house where these treachurous brothers hid, it'll be another long wait until we can find Saddam.
I agree now if we can get Bin Laden And Saddam well be ahead of the game

God bless our troops and Our Country :salute: :salute: :salute:
Saddam is next. I believe the Bush administration is taking out everyone under saddam, before nailing him. You know hes got to be freaked out right now, as he deserves.

I think they should string those bodies up and let everyone see.
:D When I said that the world would be a safer place it was a figure of speech. I know that killing those two didn't help the world any. But it did help the Iraqis feel better. That's why they wanted proof. But they won't feel safe untill Saddam is caught or killed.
They released the photos of the two evil guys dead, well, either we've provoked the whole country of Iraq into hating us or made em feel safer. I agree, the Iraqis still will be hiding in fear because in over 20 years, they've been beaten, abused, harrassed by Saddam Hussein and his Ba'athist Army; unless we take out Saddam, I dont think we'll have the 100% full cooperation from the people in there.
I think they've found Allah all right, not in the way they wanted to find him. lol.... ::Happy laughs evily::
They might have been looking for Allah. But I don't think that's who they found. :eek:
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