Originally posted by Happy29@Jul 22 2003, 11:27 PM
I dont think we've made the world a safer place at all by just killing these two, where are the WMDS ? I'm a conservative Republican but I have to ask that question. By just killing Qusay and Uday I think it'll promote backlash among the die-hard Arabs in the region and there are plenty still loyal to Saddam Hussein in Iraq, unfortunately, and by killing them and not capturing them, I think we've lost another vital link to finding Saddam Hussein. Well, I dont think the human rights violations will stop either, in my opinion the Government set up by Mr Paul Bremer and President Bush is not really being thought of high in the Iraqi Population. The only government that these Iraqis want is another Religous Fundamentalist Government like in Iran, when or if the Iraqis get that, then unfortunately, the human rights violations and political party assasinations will start all over again.