Salt water aquiriums



Anyone ever have one? I would like to get one but I hear the are a lot of work and are real fragile enviromeants. I would like to get sea horses.
Hey racerx, they are a LOT of work! The fish are very expensive and usually don't live all that long.
Check out
before you decide.

I used to raise freshwater aquarium fish (mostly cichlids) to the breeding stage, sold the fry, made $$ at home but worked my butt off.
It started as a hobby, but I was soon obsessed and the "dining room" became the fish room with tanks ranging from 5 to 50 gallons. I put guppies in the little tank, just for food fish for the cichlids.

Educate yourself very well before deciding what to do.

DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT go with goldfish.
I have a 40 gal. coral tank and have had other salt water tanks in the past. My understanding is that sea horses are very hard to keep because they are very funny about their food. What I recommend is finding a pet store that specializes in salt water near you and get to know the people that work on the tanks, because they will be your best resource. Once your tank is established it is not hard maintain with regular water changes. If you have more questions I will answer what can.
I have goldfish...what's wrong with goldfish :(

A friend of mine has salt water fish and she said the only real difference is the HUGE price difference. Both goldfish and salt water fish are hard work if you do the right thing...
Upon further review, maybe I'll try a freshwater tank and try to grow some under water vegetation, but I'll probably change my mind in another day or too. Thanks for the advice anyway.

I thought goldfish was the food you bought for the bigger fish;) .
Originally posted by racerx11
Upon further review, maybe I'll try a freshwater tank and try to grow some under water vegetation, but I'll probably change my mind in another day or too. Thanks for the advice anyway.

I thought goldfish was the food you bought for the bigger fish;) .

Goldfish are greasy, oily, nasty in a fishbowl.

Guppys are great to grow in a seperate tank just for fish food :)
Originally posted by kat2220
Goldfish are greasy, oily, nasty in a fishbowl.

Guppys are great to grow in a seperate tank just for fish food :)

Now see, I didn't know that. If I ever buy feeder fish, I'll get guppies.
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