I saw this video a few weeks ago. One thing I believe, and I'm a real capitalist, is that if this thing gets any further, this guy will have lines of oilies offering him tons of cash for the rights to this idea.
Gosh, wouldn't it be nice to be able to drive up to your front yard, hook up the hose from the water faucet and fill up the old beast? Oh but then the price of water just went to $4.00 a gallon.
Millions of accredited engineers ALL around the globe are looking for a way to make cheaper fuel...and a TV guy is the one that finds it? Just BS and pretty PURE BS at that.
Imagine the enviromentalist having a fit about this. They say we have already have a shortage of usable water as it is. Of course some of them want us to only use 3 squares of toilet paper in a sitting too.