Saturday Morning Check-in



Coffee's on......get ya' a cup. Who's up and at 'em? Who's got some good plans for the day? I couldn't sleep last night. Might go with a friend later to check out a car show. Just another Saturday.
Sure the pots always on, but it's beginning to look a little muddy, may I offer you a :beerchug: they're ice cold?
Here yer go:beerchug: I'll be joinin' ya' I won't make that big a pot o' coffee again though, looks like nobody wanted any. Well, here's to mud in yer eye pilgrim.:beerchug: Cheers...........
Mornin there Walrus,

Cup of Joe and then gotta run. The honey dew list must be attended to.

Seems that of late the weekends are hectic around the castle here. Seems most every weekend now involves some type of social gathering we gotta get ready for. Missed the race yesterday but I do believe the calendar is cleared to for todays run. Hope we have a good one.
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