Say what you really think Gluck


Team Owner
Apr 1, 2009
Western PA

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Apocalypse Nears As John Wes Townley Set For NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Debut

Think about that for a moment. Townley, the Zaxby's-backed driver who has never recorded a top-10 finish in 57 starts between the Nationwide and Truck Series, is getting a chance to drive in Cup. He's entered in the No. 32 FAS Lane Racing car for Pocono, which is already locked into the race.

This is a sad, sad, sad day for NASCAR. When this blatant of a buy-a-ride situation comes to the Sprint Cup Series, everyone is a loser.
At least he may add some excitement to Pocono - even it is fleeting.
Maybe they can get Danica and Steven Wallace on short notice. Slidin' Sam Hornish and John 'Wild Wes' Townley Can't handle this assignment on their own.

LOl. It is a big track for just one driver.

I win this Sunday would be huge for Newman or Busch at this point.
Apocalypse Nears As John Wes Townley Set For NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Debut

Hey, Junior! Hey, Jimmie! Hey, Tony! I'm a Cup driver just like y'all now! Wheeeeeeee!
Quite frankly, this is a disgusting development. NASCAR needs John Wes Townley in the Sprint Cup Series like Indianapolis needs more seats for the Brickyard 400.

On the other hand, at least we know Pocono won't be a caution-free race.

Townley is the 2102 version of Buckshot Jones: have sponsor, will drive for you.
Racing has always allowed the privileged to have an easier path. That sounds generic and cliche but the point stands. A kid with talent will have to do the almost impossible to get an owner's attention.

Even when there is talent, being born with privileges can be a make or break point. Austin an Ty Dillion both look like they have the talent, but Papa is still their biggest plus imo.

But I don't know how it will ever change (speaking of most all racing not just Nascar). They could simply tell Townley he is not qualified to drive a cup car. I would agree with them, but they would also need to tell a few others, like telling the Cope twins no NWS races, as well as Steven Wallace.
Townley is the 2102 version of Buckshot Jones: have sponsor, will drive for you.

Not even close. Buckshot Jones discovered victory lane twice (something Townley will only see photographs of0 in Nationwide and recorded 33 top-10 finishes.
Jeff Gluck is right but his vitriolic article is another example of why I unfollowed him on Twitter and rarely read his articles. The guy is losing it and clearly has anger issues.
There are plenty of drivers who have run Cup that don't belong on a racetrack. Matthew's right, Gluck is becoming unhinged.

I don't care what he says on Twitter, but when he makes comments like the ones he did in an article, he loses the right to call himself a "journalist".
Where was this same outrage when Kevin Conway took his extenze sponsorship to cup a couple years ago? If I remember correctly the team switched him between three different cars because every week the car he drove would fall out of the top 35 in points. Not to mention I have seen Townley been able to keep race speed, Conway was about 5 mph slower than the 42nd fastest car on the track.
Where was this same outrage when Kevin Conway took his extenze sponsorship to cup a couple years ago? If I remember correctly the team switched him between three different cars because every week the car he drove would fall out of the top 35 in points. Not to mention I have seen Townley been able to keep race speed, Conway was about 5 mph slower than the 42nd fastest car on the track.

True, Conway was never a racer. He was just a rolling billboard.
Where was this same outrage when Kevin Conway took his extenze sponsorship to cup a couple years ago? If I remember correctly the team switched him between three different cars because every week the car he drove would fall out of the top 35 in points. Not to mention I have seen Townley been able to keep race speed, Conway was about 5 mph slower than the 42nd fastest car on the track.

There was outrage but it was minimal.

Jeff Gluck hates John Wes Townley... he's written snarky articles like this about Townley for three years now..... and then preaches about professionalism.
There are plenty of drivers who have run Cup that don't belong on a racetrack. Matthew's right, Gluck is becoming unhinged.

I don't care what he says on Twitter, but when he makes comments like the ones he did in an article, he loses the right to call himself a "journalist".
IMO it is no worse than what you have wrote about Townley at times.
Jeff Gluck@jeff_gluck
@UncleHubie First of all, his name is Townley. Second, if he has a right to run Cup races, I have a right to criticize his performance.

Um, no Jeff, you do not have that "right". Once you pick up your press credentials, sit in a press box and wear the title "Reporter" (or, in Gluck's case, "Editor" which makes it even more abhorrent), you have given up your "right" to express your opinion.
Um, no Jeff, you do not have that "right". Once you pick up your press credentials, sit in a press box and wear the title "Reporter" (or, in Gluck's case, "Editor" which makes it even more abhorrent), you have given up your "right" to express your opinion.
Tweet it to him.Maybe you will get your point across.
I'm incredibly amused at how all the veterans in the NASCAR media blasted the Citizens Journalist Media Corps last year and how some of the very same people are defending this.
Looks like you've got him on the hook, Andy.

@amarquis32 Once you become a media member you can’t have an opinion? No, that is not the case. I think you mean express favoritism?
Andy Marquis@amarquis32
@jeff_gluck After the way you guys in the media beat up on the CJMC writers last year at Daytona?

Jeff Gluck@jeff_gluck
@amarquis32 You’re confusing the issue. I’m not rooting against Townley, rather criticizing his professional performance so far.

Andy Marquis@amarquis32
@jeff_gluck Running his DNF record is fair games. That was a snarkfest (a very funny one though, I must say).

Andy Marquis@amarquis32
@jeff_gluck "at least we know Pocono won't be a caution-free race" -- How is that only just criticism of his career?
Gluck gave Townley's sponsor plenty of exposure, so his rant may spawn more JWT's running a one off Cup race.
Gluck gave Townley's sponsor plenty of exposure, so his rant may spawn more JWT's running a one off Cup race.

The other thing Gluck did was create sympathy for JWT. There are people, who don't like JWT, that are defending him because of Gluck's snarkfest.
Didn't we go through all this with Menard before he won the Brickyard and shut everybody up ?
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