Say what you want about Miley Cyrus...


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
... she got this one right.

"America is just so weird in what they think is right and wrong. Like, I was watching Breaking Bad the other day, and they were cooking meth. I could literally cook meth because of that show. It's a how-to. And then they bleeped out the word '****'. And I'm like, really? They killed a guy, and disintegrated his body in acid, but you're not allowed to say '****'? It's like when they bleeped 'molly' at the VMAs. Look what I'm doing up here right now, and you're going to bleep out 'molly'? Whatever."
Um, yeaaaaaa, right. The "literally teach you how to cook meth on that show." She's a *******. She got nothing right, and needs to just go away.

Is Miley Cyrus' twerking deal really any worse than what's on MTV and TNT every day? She's right about this one.
Really Andy? Really? She said that Breaking Bad teaches how to cook meth. Like I said, she's a *******.

I've never watched Breaking Bad and Miley Cyrus is a dope - but her larger point, she's absolutely correct. The media spent weeks trashing her when, in reality, I've seen worse on FX, TNT, MTV, FOX and CBS.
If you do not like what is on your TV screen then reach for the remote. It's as simple as that.

I was just saying the chick has a point and she does. The same people who broadcast images of dead people (fiction and nonfiction), air mass violence, sexually suggestive programming and crappy reality television programming are criticizing Miley Cyrus for twerking during an awards show which is, and has always been, intentionally provocative. Hypocrisy much?
Um, yeaaaaaa, right. The "literally teach you how to cook meth on that show." She's a *******. She got nothing right, and needs to just go away.

Just shows how clueless this trash is.

Breaking Bad teaches you how to cook meth? Oh really...

Time to watch that mythbuster Breaking Bad special Miley. lol

And Andy you're reaching. There is a reason why there is a rating system for pretty much everything.

Which one falls in PG13 and MA territory is pretty damn clear.

Its like that kid finding that gun and shooting the grandma. You automatically blame the video game. WRONG!

Miley doesn't even know what she's even talking about here and neither do you. You cant say she's right or wrong if you yourself dont even know anything about waht she's babbling about.

You just like to argue.
I do have to somewhat agree about the language. I've seen shows and movies where someone gets shot in the face (complete with blood splatter) but they will cut out the word bitch. LOL
I do have to somewhat agree about the language. I've seen shows and movies where someone gets shot in the face (complete with blood splatter) but they will cut out the word bitch. LOL
Yep! makes no sense that you have gratuitous violence yet you can't say the F word ....never understood that.:confused:
Yep! makes no sense that you have gratuitous violence yet you can't say the F word ....never understood that.:confused:

Well is like the word C***.

Even networks like HBO, Showtime and the rest of the big dog network dont like using it because women are extra sensitive to it.

I also think is a work in progress.

Remember when you couldn't even say bitch on tv? Now you can say an array of swears you could not have said in a million years just a decade ago.
It's called evolution. Lucy & Ricky slept in separate beds, as did Ozzie & Harriet.
There are parental controls nowadays to prevent children from viewing such content, however, the internet is not censored and children these days are far more computer-savvy then are their parents. Kids easily disable most censor based software that is on the market today. Europe has more lenient laws when it comes to television content than does the U.S. Perhaps it's time the U.S. evaluates and updates what should be available on public television.
Like it or not, questionable content is easily available to anyone with a computer. Porn, bomb construction, methamphetamine recipes, bestiality; it's all available online. It's up to parents to educate their children on such content and take whatever restriction measures that they deem necessary.
I'm not a fan of censorship of any kind. Educate your kids, bring them up with morals, teach them what is right and wrong. You'll never be able to completely shield them from questionable content, be it on TV or on the internet.
She's just mad because most of the country was watching Breaking Bad while she was twerking on the VMA's.
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