Sayings, One Liners Being Lost

muggle not

Team Owner
Jun 21, 2003
There are many old sayings, most of which had a meaning, that are being lost through the ages. Lets try to remember and list as many of them as possible. I will start with a few:

Handier than a pocket on a shirt.

Green as grass.

Colder than a frog's behind.

He / She is a few pickles shy of a crock.
Cute as a button.

More fun than a barrel of monkeys.

Right as rain.
Drunker than a skunk.

Empty as a winter rain barrel.

Fit to be tied.
Okay, here's one and I'll debunk what is thought to be the meaning.

Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.

It's been said that this refers to the cannon balls on old sailing ships. While the young boys that carted the cannon balls from lower decks to the cannons were called monkeys, what has been referrenced in this saying as the monkey is the triangular structure that held the cannon balls. The thought here was that when it got really cold, the balls would fall off the triangle. This simply isn't true and believe me, as a modeler of such ships, I've done extensive research on this idea. :) So, the meaning behind this saying is still a mystery.
busyer than a cat coverin up $h!t.

faster than greased lightning.

slow as molasses in february.

flat out balls to the wall.

pedal to the metal.

tighter than bark on a tree.

rough as a cob.

slick as a greased eel.

ugly as a mudd fence.

cold as a well diggers azz.

thick as flees on a

redder than a beet.

stout as a mule.

dull as a fro......
"now for you youngens, LOL a fro is , or was a gardening tool kinda like a hoe. but was dull almost like a pick ax." at least that's what i remember as a kid back in arkansas.

if the spelling is off on some of this,,,, refer back to "as a kid in arkansas" LOL!!!!!!

[i'm gettin old so i'm thinkin of more] :D i'm tryin to remember some my grandparents used to say. ;)
Professur said:
Wouldn't that be Pedal to the Metal (the car's floor)?
refer to post above!

if the spelling is off on some of this,,,, refer back to "as a kid in arkansas" LOL!!!!!!

life is too short to sweet the small stuff! ;)
nervous as a w hore in church

snug as a bug in a rug

blind in one eye can't see out of the other

stuborn as a mule
tight as a tick

cute as a bug's ear

And, the one saying my mother, bless her heart, always said, and I don't have a clue as to where she got this, nor what the hell it meant.......

chicken snot, have a spoon, you get a lot.
My old Pop had a few..
Power? It couldn't pull a sick whore off of a potty!
Dark? It's darker than two foot up a bull's ass!
Slick? It's slicker than slugs through a goose!
Hot? Hotter than the hinges on the gates of hell!
Tastes bad? The longer I chewed it the bigger it got!
A Face ony a mother could love

A day late and a dollar short

Dumb as a switch

A penny for your thoughts

Madder than a wet hen

Scarcer than hen's teeth
My dad had one for the cold days in New England......"cold as a witchs' twitchet".... kind of odd, but man he used to say that a lot when i was a kid. Also one of his favorites was..... "you gotta use a little Yankee Inguinuity on that"..... meaning you had to be Mcgiver to fix what ever you were working on. Of course the ever resounding ..... "Oh Balls" ....when something went wrong was also heard around the house too a lot.
dumber than a box of rocks

elevator doesn't go all the way to the top

lights are on but no one's home
not the sharpest tool in the shed

my mom's favorite when we asked if we could have something like cookies before dinner......."your chances are slim and none and slim just left town."
Would you like some brains with that?

The blind leading the blind

The grass is greener on the other side

Wish in one hand and sh!t in the other, and see which one fills up faster.
If I had her money and she had a feather up her ass we would both be tickled to death.
Busier than a one-legged man in a butt kickin' contest

Finer than frog's hair split three ways

Sharp as a cue ball

Busier than a one-eyed cat watchin' two mouse holes

Luckier than a three-peckered goat
catty-cornered or catty-whompus

Quick as a duck on a junebug

Have to get back to my rat-killing ---- meaning I have to get back to work.

Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Mind like a steel trap...
Crazy like a fox...
Lower than whale $hit...
Slow as molasses in January...
Light travels faster then sound... which is why most people appear brilliant until you hear them...
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