scanner headsets



hey whats up guys i was thinking of upgrading my headsets from the tp60 to the re-58. i tried to find reviews on the racing electronics re-58s and i cant find anything on them .. i just want to know if they are that much better then the cheep ones i have now. how is the sound quality on a 80 dollar headset compared to a 20 dollar one
Great sound. I have two pair.
I previously had a Racing Radios headset and the wires came apart in the scanner plug. I took them apart and soldered them but it was only a temp fix. I tossed them and bought the RE58's. Very happy with the sound quality, comfort and overall performance.
how do they feel with a cap on the cheepies bug the crap out of me and on a 1 to 10 how much better you think they are then the cyber accustics i have now
how do they feel with a cap on the cheepies bug the crap out of me and on a 1 to 10 how much better you think they are then the cyber accustics i have now
I'm not familiar with the Cyber Acoustics, but I wear mine (with the fabric booties) over my Ray-Ban glasses, with a cap on and they do not irritate me in any way.
awesome man thanks alot i think ima order me 2 of them. you have helped me alot and iff your around maybe ill see you at bristol
I got the RE 3000 scanner, wish I could remember what type of headset i had, looks just like what bobby ford is sporting and both scanner and headset have been great.
yea i have 2 scanners and headsets now just looking to upgrade headsets had to get 2 scanners because the wife and i kept fighting over who we wanted to listen to
i just ordered 2 of them red for me pink for the wife anyone interested in 2 pt60 headsets
I have the RE 58 and after about an hour of constant use my head starts to hurt from too much pressure, yes I do have a big head. The guy in the RE trailer told me to stretch them but that metal band is pretty strong. The sound quality and volume control are top shelf. I have had them over top of a ball all winter so hopefully they have stretched a little.
Have had two of the RE58 for several years now and all I've had to do is purchase new pads and covers. Totally satisfied.
awesome hope i get them in time for bristol and to get allot of use just found out the wife wants to get tix to the charllote night race also
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