Schumaker skiing accident


Cape Cod
Sep 30, 2009
South County
While skiing in the French Alps, Schumacher hit a rock. Wearing a helmet at the time, he was rushed to a hospital. The F1 Champ was reported in good condition and spirits.
Thanks for posting this news, MAGICMILER.
Off-trail ('piste') accidents are often the worst; my first full year of skiing began with one of the most experienced instructors on the mountain (Winter Park, CO) hitting a tree on an off-trail run. He did not survive.
CNN's report makes Michael's injuries seem worse, but both include the condition as 'serious'
Fingers crossed and prayers sent here.
Most of the reports I've been reading have him in critical condition.
BBC is also reporting he underwent brain surgery and is in coma.

"Mr Schumacher was admitted to the University Hospital of Grenoble at 12:40 [11:40 GMT], following a skiing accident which occurred in Meribel in the late morning," the Grenoble hospital said in a statement.

"He suffered a severe head injury with coma on arrival, which required immediate neurosurgical intervention. He remains in a critical situation."

The hospital statement was signed by the facility's neurosurgeon, the professor in charge of its anaesthesia/revival unit, and the hospital's deputy director, reports said.

A hospital official declined to give more details and said more information would be given out on Monday, said Reuters news agency.

Experts say it is likely that his brain began to swell and the urgent surgery was required to relieve the pressure, says the BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris.
Brain edemas that cause comas are real dangerous. It means that so much fluid built up it likely pushed his brain down on his brain stem, which often causes damage.

Very sad. I hope he recovers quickly.
Crappy way to start a new year with one of the greatest drivers ever in a coma :(
You are in our prayers MS --------- get well soon
Haven't found any recent news other than the family asking the media to leave the hospital a few days ago. Doesn't sound too promising at all.
Haven't found any recent news other than the family asking the media to leave the hospital a few days ago. Doesn't sound too promising at all.

Must be a lot worse then I thought :(
Any time someone is in a coma for this long..(medically induced or not) you have to wonder if/when they wake up, what kind of quality of life they will have.
Any time someone is in a coma for this long..(medically induced or not) you have to wonder if/when they wake up, what kind of quality of life they will have.

Not that it's a comparison of situations, but Ariel Sharon (former Israeli PM) just died after being in a coma for 8yrs due to a stroke.
Not that it's a comparison of situations, but Ariel Sharon (former Israeli PM) just died after being in a coma for 8yrs due to a stroke.

God Forbid Michael Schumacher be stuck in a vegetable state for a decade... It's a very scary situation for sure.

I'm obviously no expert, I know it's "medically induced", but it's been a bit. The brain is a very delicate organ...
God Forbid Michael Schumacher be stuck in a vegetable state for a decade... It's a very scary situation for sure.

I'm obviously no expert, I know it's "medically induced", but it's been a bit. The brain is a very delicate organ...
Medically induced coma's pretty much put the brain "at idle". It doesn't really mar the brain, it just lets it rest, de-swell, and recover. Unlike a natural coma, which is caused by portions of the brain being subjected to extreme pressure and pretty much shutting down or losing control of the body.
Medically induced coma's pretty much put the brain "at idle". It doesn't really mar the brain, it just lets it rest, de-swell, and recover. Unlike a natural coma, which is caused by portions of the brain being subjected to extreme pressure and pretty much shutting down or losing control of the body.

That being said, a decision will have to be made.

Docs are doing some tests that will determine which part of the brain is really damaged and which part would be fine if he is brought out of the coma.

Hopefully everything comes out ok and they bring him back up without any downside.
Damn. They think he might be in a coma for the rest of his life. Hate to hear that.

That is not a report from any of his actual doctors.
So there's no new information.
It's just outside experts saying that the longer he's in the coma, the worse his odds get of every getting out of it.
But we knew that from day 1.
That article pretends to have new information, but it doesn't.
The "they" are not any of his actual medical team. They are still experts, but they have no inside information and are just saying what was already well known -- the odds for recovery start declining rapidly after the 2 week mark or so. But that's on average. Only his medical team know the details at this stage and they aren't speaking.

It's possible, of course, that some insiders are leaking to the outsiders to help prepare the public for bad news about such a high profile patient.
I hate it anytime i hear of a severe head injury This brings back memories of my good friend Eric Medlen when he was killed in a testing crash a few years ago in Gainesville Fl in John Forces funny car. The car went into severe tire shake and banged his helmet from side to side against the roll cage and caused severe head trauma. He always said that ice cream would cheer him up if he was having a bad day, so now all the teams get together for some ice cream during the Sonoma race.
I was checking in here for an update on his condition. I hadn't heard anything about him since a few days after the accident. I was really hoping for much better news than this. Although I was always much more of a NASCAR fan that an open wheel guy, I've always thought the F1 guys were just the absolute best drivers out there. This is just a shame. Thoughts and prayers for him and his family.
I'm no doctor(clearly) but I imagine he's not gonna be the same as before the accident. Not like you just wake up after that and go shoot some hoops like nothing happened.
I'm no doctor(clearly) but I imagine he's not gonna be the same as before the accident. Not like you just wake up after that and go shoot some hoops like nothing happened.
Yes I'm sure that he has suffered some cerebral damage but its amazing that he has been able to pull through.
Hope he continues to improve.
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