Screening new members


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
TRL and maj, is there anyway to screen new members to cut back on the influx of crazy? Unfortunately, the "community" feeling of this forum is quickly being lost.
1. Submit SS #
2. Submit all three credit reports.
3. The last grade you participated in, doesnt have to have been completed.
4. With an essays containing a miniimum of 9999 words tell us what makes you so qualified and special enough for this here forum.
5.Tell us about a time when you tactfully soothed or calmed down a room full of angry p.o. people skillfully enough, to make em think they fixed their own sorry butts (note: if brown nosing was involved it dont count)

Exceptions: if you are a smoking hot babe that posted her pictures very often like Ditzmesiter did no other qualifications are needed welcome welcome. Well if you are a female of any type no other qualificatins are needed you are a great.

Bonus points if you are a Earnhardt women.
And if you have three nipples gitterdone and send me a pm.
I have been sitting here trying to think of how to say what I feel about some of this so what I finally came up with is they should have an ignore feature for avatars because you have to see them to read the posts and some of them are on here only to provoke negative comments (trolling). I have some posters blocked but wish I could just block some avatars without blocking the poster.
1. Submit SS #
2. Submit all three credit reports.
3. The last grade you participated in, doesnt have to have been completed.
4. With an essays containing a miniimum of 9999 words tell us what makes you so qualified and special enough for this here forum.
5.Tell us about a time when you tactfully soothed or calmed down a room full of angry p.o. people skillfully enough, to make em think they fixed their own sorry butts (note: if brown nosing was involved it dont count)

Exceptions: if you are a smoking hot babe that posted her pictures very often like Ditzmesiter did no other qualifications are needed welcome welcome. Well if you are a female of any type no other qualificatins are needed you are a great.

Bonus points if you are a Earnhardt women.
And if you have three nipples gitterdone and send me a pm.
Yes. Might I add:
1. Driver preference?
2. Political party preference?
3. Certificate of handgun safety course
4. Religious party preference?
5. Sexual preference? (and I don't mean how often.)
6. Vegetarian or meat?
7. Chocolate or vanilla?
8. Yankee or Confederate?
9. Ethnicity?
10. City folk or Country?
11. Beef or Reef, surf or turf?
12. Charmin or Quilted Northern, front to back or back to front?
13. Jap car or American? Ford or Chevy?
14. High School diploma?
15. College? BA? Masters?
16. Fur or Slick?
17. Boxers, briefs, slingshot or commando?
18. Rent or Own?
19. Dog or Cat? (Possums and Squirrels are perfectly acceptable options.)
20. Employed, unemployed, retired?
I'm sure I also forgot something but we can never be too lenient on the screening processes.
Anyone feel free to add what I may have left out...
The only screening necessary --- bot or human --- registration figures that out. Known spammers are filtered out by the software.
I see no reason to have further qualifications.
Just because some new members disagree and argue with old members is no reason to raise the drawbridge and put alligators in the moat.
Unfortunately, we're getting the influx of the insufferable posters -- the same types that drove many of us away from that cesspool in the first place. The personal attacks and stuff that are becoming more frequent inside the race day threads make it less desirable to go there. I don't mean this in a condescending way because some of the newbies are great but a lot of us who have been posting on here left's chat rooms and message boards for a reason.
come on, you knnw you are the king of use less podium posts:D

Unfortunately, we're getting the influx of the insufferable posters -- the same types that drove many of us away from that cesspool in the first place. The personal attacks and stuff that are becoming more frequent inside the race day threads make it less desirable to go there. I don't mean this in a condescending way because some of the newbies are great but a lot of us who have been posting on here left's chat rooms and message boards for a reason.
I understand, Andy, really I do, but this is a open forum. We've gotten some really great new members, and we've gotten some stinkers. We have some veteran members who are also winners/stinkers.

But that can be said of every forum I've ever been in.
We've got a good gig here and I think the mods here do a good job of keeping the peace and deciding what's acceptable and what is relevant.
I understand, Andy, really I do, but this is a open forum. We've gotten some really great new members, and we've gotten some stinkers. We have some veteran members who are also winners/stinkers.

But that can be said of every forum I've ever been in.

Y'all do a good job. Thanks for taking care of today's rattler.

Some of the stuff that gets posted is just so off the wall, it makes the mafia look sane...
I know I know so true but I am having to much fun making up some new BS rules.
I am just proud to know I full of it (its the ones that don't know their own innard ingredients that is dangerous).

As a moral support I want to thank you, you do a great job and keep us straight . It must be like having 659 children (members), and I know they all can not be good ones or smart, classy, brilliant and.very humble like me.

By the way we will probably be getting member # 666 any day now, I think he should be callevd Damion or Damioniska, and if she is a Damiondilishka she should be smoking hot and know how to yogas and gymnastics incredibly if she wants my soul.
In addition to this, future member #669 needs to be a female. Thats all of the inspirationsal thoughts I have at the current moment carry on .......
Yes. MightI add:
1. Driver preference?
2. Political party preference?
3. Certificate of handgun safety course
4. Religious party preference?
5. Sexual preference? (and I don't mean how often.)
6. Vegetarian or meat?
7. Chocolate or vanilla?
8. Yankee or Confederate?
9. Ethnicity?
10. City folk or Country?
11. Beef or Reef, surf or turf?
12. Charmin or Quilted Northern, front to back or back to front?
13. Jap car or American? Ford or Chevy?
14. High School diploma?
15. College? BA? Masters?
16. Fur or Slick?
17. Boxers, briefs, slingshot or commando?
18. Rent or Own?
19. Dog or Cat? (Possums and Squirrels are perfectly acceptable options.)
20. Employed, unemployed, retired?
I'm sure I also forgot something but we can never be too lenient on the screening processes.
Anyone feel free to add what I may have left out...
Excellent questions #12 is the most challanging, front to back? is the question addressing the directional pull to obtain enough squares? Or the direction of the wipe itself?
I know I know so true but I am having to much fun making up some new BS rules.
I am just proud to know I full of it (its the ones that don't know their own innard ingredients that is dangerous).

As a moral support I want to thank you, you do a great job and keep us straight . It must be like having 659 children (members), and I know they all can not be good ones or smart, classy, brilliant and.very humble like me.

By the way we will probably be getting member # 666 any day now, I think he should be callevd Damion or Damioniska, and if she is a Damiondilishka she should be smoking hot and know how to yogas and gymnastics incredibly if she wants my soul.
In addition to this, future member #669 needs to be a female. Thats all of the inspirationsal thoughts I have at the current moment carry on .......

any feller can screw up at times...but only a foolish feller persists in doin it !
any feller can screw up at times...but only a foolish feller persists in doin it !

I am a happy jester and I can accept not everyone not getting my humor. I am having a good time, if that makes me a fool I will survive the tag, I have been called a much worse.
IMO, we veteran members could often be more tolerant of the newbies until they get they feel of the place. I'm not saying we should roll over for them but having a little sand kicked in the face isn't always a reason to go all Charles Atlas on them eiher. Then, if they persist on causing trouble, we allow the mods to do their job and boot 'em the hell out of here.
I still wish you would give us an avatar ignore button, a couple are just plain fukin obnoxious.
I have never seen someone so bothered by someones avatar. Lol

oldtimers on an auto racing website complaining about avatars, new posters, on and on and the biggest complainers don't even have an auto related avatar?o_O Guess they are here for other off topic reasons. We got baseball, fart buttons, dogs with butts, an alligator or crocodile. Do we even need Avatars period. bwaaa
oldtimers on an auto racing website complaining about avatars, new posters, on and on and the biggest complainers don't even have an auto related avatar?o_O Guess they are here for other off topic reasons. We got baseball, fart buttons, dogs with butts, an alligator or crocodile. Do we even need Avatars period. bwaaa
And this bothers you why?
Okay I am now up to the standards of the self appointed thread police for a racing forum avatar.
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