Scumbag lawyer



Because she was working in the ER my daughter had to testify in the trial of a 8 yo little girl murdered by her mother. Defense atty kept trying to trip up the doc and her by asking technical questions, the doc did ok, my daughter kept saying "before I answer I'd like to review the chart". Asked if she couldn't remember Jen answered "this happened just over two years ago, between the ER and working as a EMT I've treated hundreds, perhaps over a thousand patients since. Do you remember what case you were working on over two years ago and the result"? <Oh snap>
Asked if she felt sympathy for the mother Jen said she felt sympathy for the little girl she put in a body bag and wheeled to the morgue< Oh DOUBLE snap>

Scumbag asked for her remarks to be stricken, Judge said no that you asked the questions.

Guilty Murder II, 20 to life.

If you don't think these things don't affect medical/first responders you'd be mistaken.
That so called "mother",should have gottten the DP. But,R.I. is bass ackward. I say put her in General Population,and see what happens.The A.C.I. is full of dirtbags,but she is the lowest of the low.........
I asked an attorney about the fees they (he) charges. He stated since he worked for himself, he was responsible for his medical insurance, retirement, driving from courthouse to courthouse, and other things that might be covered be an employer of any other profession. Once I thought about it, it made some sense...
Lawyers are like doctors. You dislike them until you need them. That is why they make the money the make. You can always find a lawyer that charges you less then the next, but how good is he/she? Notice that the rich go after the best of lawyers, and those lawyers make the most money.
So I guess the "Dream Team" earned their money when they got OJ Simpson acquitted for the murder of the mother of his children as well as another innocent individual. Rock on, scumbag lawyers :beerbang:
So I guess the "Dream Team" earned their money when they got OJ Simpson acquitted for the murder of the mother of his children as well as another innocent individual. Rock on, scumbag lawyers :beerbang:
The Dream Team was just half of that fiasco. The other half was the inept prosecution and of course a lying stupid cop.
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