

Team Owner
Jun 14, 2002
Powell, TN
Bristol Motor Speedway said they managed to have another sell out. Good for them if they did. I saw a few small empty patches, could have been the ebay people that got stuck with tickets. On Friday, I saw tickets being sold as cheap as $55 each and terrace seats sold for $90 each. I heard tickets before the race could be had for $25 each. I guess the folks at BMS didn't lose any money yesterday.
I just found this on Ebay. I wonder if they will sell them.

4 tickets for sprint and nationwide march 21/22 This seller accepts PayPal
1 Bid $200.00
Buy It Now $450.00

Free shipping 5h 3m|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
A friend called me Sunday Morning and wanted to give me 2 tickets. I told him I already had tickets.
got a friend that works as an usher at BMS she said it was NOT a sell out but came close said they were told to try and space the empty seats when possible

my buddy that i sell my tix to said there were alot of empty on the back but BMs did a good job hiding them
It's going to be interesting to see how tickets go for the night race. It's already a sell out, but will people be able to get anything for them if they sell them?
We had 4 empty seats in our row alone. There weren't any rows around us that were crowded as they usually are. Mine are season seats though so maybe they just didn't show up for the spring race?
There were a lot of people on ebay and craigslist that had tickets for sale, some that didn't get sold.
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