We all make typos, we all misuse the lanquage from time to time, but here we are for the most part writing off the cuff and most of us probably do not read our postings carefully before hitting the submit key.
For a website which desires any credibility or for any aspiring journalist these mistakes should be narrowly limited however. Read the following article this morning and by midway had lost all concept of the issues the writer was attempting to deal with.
Anybody with a keyboard (AWK) gets labeled too often as a writer or journalist. This person can't even write a very brief bio without messing up the lanquage. With the mentality this represents to my mind how can I possibly take the opinions with any seriousness? Assuming I can figure out what he is trying to say.
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For a website which desires any credibility or for any aspiring journalist these mistakes should be narrowly limited however. Read the following article this morning and by midway had lost all concept of the issues the writer was attempting to deal with.
Anybody with a keyboard (AWK) gets labeled too often as a writer or journalist. This person can't even write a very brief bio without messing up the lanquage. With the mentality this represents to my mind how can I possibly take the opinions with any seriousness? Assuming I can figure out what he is trying to say.
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