Semi-regular AWK rant



We all make typos, we all misuse the lanquage from time to time, but here we are for the most part writing off the cuff and most of us probably do not read our postings carefully before hitting the submit key.

For a website which desires any credibility or for any aspiring journalist these mistakes should be narrowly limited however. Read the following article this morning and by midway had lost all concept of the issues the writer was attempting to deal with.

Anybody with a keyboard (AWK) gets labeled too often as a writer or journalist. This person can't even write a very brief bio without messing up the lanquage. With the mentality this represents to my mind how can I possibly take the opinions with any seriousness? Assuming I can figure out what he is trying to say.

Article Here
Wow, I cannot believe someone actually lets him be known as a "staff writer". That was just bad. I have never claimed to be much of a writer myself, but I do believe, even I could have done better than that.

That was rough. I thought I understood his point several times. But, then he contradicted himself everytime I thought I had it. I'm not even upset with him. I'm upset with the idiot that hired him to write for them.
About all I could actually understand from this article is that he doesn't like Jeff Gordon.

This guy is pathetic! He needs to find himself another job, because this article is horrible!
I lost track of whatever he was trying to say by the end of the 2nd paragraph. How did that make it past the editor? :confused:

It just kept getting worse... and worse... and worse...

I've never seen this statement an an article before: "the spelling will be off like everything else I write by hand."

There's really nothing else that can be said about that. I think i'm going to send that to my friend in journalism and let her get a kick out of that. hehe.

He did get one point across though: "I am always been against Gordon". I bet Gordon fans are relieved about that one. hehe.
"If you like this article, check out more of my articles on"

Yeah, O.K. Bobby Bailey. Not bloody likey. What kinda joke is this guy? :wacko:
I had a hard time figuring out what language was used for that article. I know it wasn't English. I have read things written by 9 year old children that had better word selection, grammer and punctuation.

My only question is....Who hired this idiot? Please tell me he is not a professional journalist. He gives those who do write professionally a bad name.

My one word summation of the article.... :bleh:
Not really, but I did pick out this part....

"Because I believe that the #17 Ford will win this years championship"

Sure makes me look like a genious, I think I like him for that lol.
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