Originally posted by EatMorePossum@Feb 22 2004, 10:29 PM
Give Rockingham a May or April date, and watch it sell out too.
Give Kansas a February date and watch how many empty seats there are.
Give any track on the circuit the week after Daytona 500 and see if it sells out.
I doubt it..
I'm sure there are folks who can afford to attend tons of races in a year, but the great masses can't. I'm stretching it to do three races this year. Of course, I have to overnight it or do serious travel, but I still think most folks can't afford several races in a bunch regardless.
May would have the race around the Charlotte weekends.
April would have it competing with Marinsville.
Put a race in Kansas in February and it will still be a sell out, because it is the only chance most of those folks have to go to a race.
And I bet just about any track outside of the South East would sell out the week after Daytona.
The problem here is oversaturation of the market versus the price scale.
But, regardless of that, the race is in FEBRUARY and it fails to sale out a small numbers of seats relative to the other tracks on the curcuit. I can't find a seat count, but I think it's in the 70,000 range.
Atlanta is in the 150,000 range.
I think the Rockingham races are above average, but, the fact is, if the fans don't go to them in the same numbers as they go elsewhere, then the race will go elsewhere.
If the fans had been packing the stands over the years, ISC would have expanded the facility to accomodate more fannies. Instead, they can move a date to California and sell 130,000 more tickets than thye would at the Rock.
That's a whole lot of money to turn down.