Shaq To Miami

*in best ward burton voice*

"Wail, it showah does take a lowot uv tawlunt tuh do what it is he does. I main, runnin up an dowuhn the cowuht an jumpin aroun like thahut an awl. I don't thank I cud do that awl that good. But I don't thank Shayuk cud dwive this hyar NetZewo Chevuway near as goowud as I cayun either. Iss jus a diffwen set uv tawents invoved in whut he does an whut I do. I cudn't dunk no basketbaw fifty times a night, but he cudn't dwive three hunert waps at Dawintun wiffout hittin th wawl ever udder wap. I wish him awl th luck in th worlt in his new endevuh."

Oh no!

Whatever will the Lakers do? First they realize they can't buy every championship for the next 100 years and now this!

It seems to me that the Lakers got the better end of this deal.

Shaq is a very old 32. He has been getting fouled hard for years, mostly because he can't hit free throws so they just keep fouling him when the game is on the line.

Lamar Odum is a very talented player and so is Caron Butler.

The Lakers also got a first round draft pick out of this deal and they unloaded a huge contract from their salary cap.
Yep i agree i would say the Lakers made out in this deal, i'll give Shaq another 3 years tops and he will be retiring.
Originally posted by 4xchampncountin@Jul 14 2004, 08:43 PM
Shaq is a very old 32
Now I know Shaq's not ready for Social Security Yet is He??? :XXROFL: 32 isn't old!
32 in Shaq years is not young, with all the physical abuse he withstands during the long season. I'd really be surprised he plays behond 35.
That is a lot of weight and pounding on the joints and the feet. He has cronic toe problems. As much as I like this making the Lakers not as good, I don't like him going to the Heat.

I liked the heat ever since they had Alonzo (longtime G-Town Fan). I also really like Dwayne Wade. I knew he would be a good pro.
Shaq's body takes a lot of abuse. Much of it is self-inflicted as he has really put on over 50 pounds since he joined the league. That is a lot of strain. When you add getting fouled constantly by other 300+ pound men it adds up quickly.
Actually I think he feet hurt from carrying all tham money he makes around in his wallet!

Cry me a river Shaq! :D :lol:

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