Shortened Race



Haven't heard too much discussion on this topic, but what does everyone think about Nascar shortening the race by 25 laps on Sunday? Especially after all Mike Helton's recent poo-pooing of not counting caution laps at the end of a race because "we need to run the advertized number of laps,...", yadda yadda.

Could there have been some sort of deal worked out with TNT that the race wouldn't go past 8:00?

Just throwin' stuff out there to liven things up :)
I think,Like they said last night.There are no lights in parking lot either,And they had to get a good start before dark to get everyone out.
I'm surprised more teams aren't complaining, b/c it messed up some teams fuel stategy.
In defense of Helton and NASCAR, sometimes a tough postion, the shortening of race is generally beyond anyones control. Darkness, rain and any other factor which has ever led to an events running less than the advertised laps is not within the parameters of their authority. A race, I forget where, was once shortened when the cirucit still ran dirt because the dust in the air became so thick the drivers could not see, and the crowd could not have seen the race had it continued.

The extension of race beyond the advertised is completely within the control of NASCAR's authority. No force of nature or man that I can imagine would mandate the need to run additional laps.

The decision was sound and I don't know that TV had any influence on it. As far as I know TNT was gonna hang in there for the duration. A factor which no other covering network would likely have provided in the past 10 years without at least switching to another channel.
Anyway, all they were showing was the the Thomas Crown Affair next anyway. Do you think they plugged that movie enough during the race?:)
BTW -- I actually got the girlfriend to sit through close to 7 hours of NASCAR on Sunday. That has to be some sort of record -- at least up here in Chicago...
They made the right call by shortening it. And I'm sure that Bill Elliott would agree with me. :D
I was there and the traffic was terrible ~by the time we got out it was dark and the parking lots were dark~ i was glad they shortened it because it was a long day.:eek:
IMHO, the right decision was made. Twilight is the most dangerous time to drive off the tack, let alone at the track. Way too much danger to drivers, crews, fans and all if the race had continued.
I do not believe TNT had any input cuz at one point they did say they were sticking with the race and the movie would begin after the race finished.
i think the right decision was made if they would have put 25 more laps someone else mite ahve one and i mite not like that person lol :p
Survey says,They did the right thing.Good job Nascar you get an [A] for this one.:)
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