Should I stay or should I go?



Nope, not the song. My aunts b-day is the 23rd, the party is in Dallas. She's the last of my Dad's siblings. Her B-day is actually Dec 23, but com'on you would'da thought my grandparents would have planned better..
It's her 100.5. My brother and I have discussed this for a long time and previously declined,,now he says let's go. Can't fly as he's fraidy scared, train is out so that leaves driving or riding the dog. He has a 40 mpg sardine can, no way. That leaves my truck [note if going get a gun rack installed before leaving]:)

Truthfully I really don't want to go. I've been paying my daughters bills since her recent health problem. I could but don't want to incur the road trip expense. A nice Hallmark card and a phone call is better than 2k in gas,food,lodging..right?
Need your opinion prior to a week from tomorrow.
Man up and take the car! :p

I think down the road if you do not go you will regret it.

Food, just pack a cooler with some stuff in it.
Man up and take the car! :p

I think down the road if you do not go you will regret it.

Food, just pack a cooler with some stuff in it.

X3 Man up grow a pair and take to the road, how often does a relative turn 100.5? Besides a good roadtrip is great for the soul.
and on a lighter note, are you in her will? do you want to stay in it? <g>
Besides, if only for a day, you can join the DFW RF crew. Shoot, TRL's is on your way here!
I dunno, but if'n it were me and I had a relative living 1800 miles away who I had little to no contact with, I doubt I would go. Now, if you have regular contact with her, that changes the situation. But to drive that far just to say :birthday: when you have had no contact or do not really know the lady.

But let's run some numbers; approximately 3600 miles round trip. Getting 20 m.p.g. uses 180 gallons of fuel @ $3.25 per gallon = $585.00 just for fuel plus food, incidentals, lodging, etc..)

Yes, family is important but there are times when a line must be crossed in determining what personal value this experience has for you and your brother. I have driven long distances just to stand at the grave of my grandparents and parents, because it meant a lot to me personally. If you feel the it is something you want to do, go ahead. If it is something you do not feel is of personal importance, then don't go but do send a thoughtful card and take a few minutes to make a telephone call when the party is in full swing. She might be doing the two-step at that time and be looking for a break!
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