Nope, not the song. My aunts b-day is the 23rd, the party is in Dallas. She's the last of my Dad's siblings. Her B-day is actually Dec 23, but com'on you would'da thought my grandparents would have planned better..
It's her 100.5. My brother and I have discussed this for a long time and previously declined,,now he says let's go. Can't fly as he's fraidy scared, train is out so that leaves driving or riding the dog. He has a 40 mpg sardine can, no way. That leaves my truck [note if going get a gun rack installed before leaving]
Truthfully I really don't want to go. I've been paying my daughters bills since her recent health problem. I could but don't want to incur the road trip expense. A nice Hallmark card and a phone call is better than 2k in gas,food,lodging..right?
Need your opinion prior to a week from tomorrow.
It's her 100.5. My brother and I have discussed this for a long time and previously declined,,now he says let's go. Can't fly as he's fraidy scared, train is out so that leaves driving or riding the dog. He has a 40 mpg sardine can, no way. That leaves my truck [note if going get a gun rack installed before leaving]
Truthfully I really don't want to go. I've been paying my daughters bills since her recent health problem. I could but don't want to incur the road trip expense. A nice Hallmark card and a phone call is better than 2k in gas,food,lodging..right?
Need your opinion prior to a week from tomorrow.