Is he done or will he make it in?
No matter what he does (or doesn't do), I'm sure the haters will whine and snivel anyways.
And at the same time, no matter what he does, you will continue to pucker up and kiss his...
I've criticized Kyle before... in fact, I believe I just said "He's gotta change his attitude and quit putting everyone around him down when they have bad luck."
Checking, yep, sure did post that.
I just don't post "KYLE BUSCH IS A PUNK WHINER CRYBABY LOSER SNIVELING POMPOUS ASS!!1!!eleven!!!" in every thread like some people.
And at the same time, no matter what he does, you will continue to pucker up and kiss his...
If he doesn't make it, he'll save himself the embarrassment of finishing last like last year.
yeah, his head isn't in a very good place right now. he can't deal effectively with losing. forget who said it (kurt?) but he needs to concentrate on cup and reduce his nationwide and truck rides. i think it's important for him to get his cup driving consistent for going into next year, even if he misses the chase.I think he's psyching himself out.
Exactly.I don't think he'll make it this year. He's not running well and blaming everyone and everything around him (kinda like all the JR fans). I think he's needs to suck it up and accept some of the blame. Even if he does make it in I don't think he has a snowballs chance in hell of winning the chase.
If he runs really well at Bristol and Atlanta, he's in.