Yeah, but at least they bounce right back, tk. That darn game is addicting and it's not like you have a lot to do besides hit the dumb space bar. I just keep wanting to make my score better after I've had a lousy game, so I keep going. I do that with all the games, even Solitaire. I think I need help. LOL
Yeah, but at least they bounce right back, tk. That darn game is addicting and it's not like you have a lot to do besides hit the dumb space bar. I just keep wanting to make my score better after I've had a lousy game, so I keep going. I do that with all the games, even Solitaire. I think I need help. LOL
I wish I could bowl the neighbor's cats out of my flowerbeds...
Bobby maybe you could just borrow Kellogg's BB gun. You call her and you hear her shooting roosters all the time. LOL She is getting pretty good at it I think.
I can talk on the phone and shoot running chickens at the same time. Nasty flea bitten disease carrying....................
I've got something better --- a Ruger 10/22 with a great scope, and 15-shot magazines.
Squirrels fear me. hehehe
I've heard......that 22 shorts from a rifle makes almost no noise that would rouse the neighbors. And a shot just in front of the hind quarters leaves the animal live long enough to make it off your property.
Not that I would ever countenance such barbarity...
I'm werry werry scerred of you people!! lol