Slow Response



A question for the General Population of R-F

I have noticed lately that it takes an inordinate amount of time for the pages of this forum to refresh.

I don't seem to have an issue with other sites such as my e-mail or FaceBook or other forums that I visit in order to spew my particular brand of venom.

I'm just curious as to whether any other R-F visitors have experienced a slow page download/refresh lately.

Thanks for your input!

I love you all!!!

really, I do!
Actually...I don't know how fast you expect it to I may be accustomed to slowness :).

But I have Comcast cable internet and it actually seems to go as fast as my T1 work system. I had troubles with speed a few years back and it was all the junk sites I went to. I made my HP Millenia into an artificial reef for small fish and bought a box from Fry's Electronics and only have gone to specific sites. No worries.

I'm thinking about upgrading since my box wasn't state-of-the-art when I bought it and now it's about 2 years old.

Any advice for a mini desktop under $1000 ??

(don't mean to hiJack your thread)
Actually...I don't know how fast you expect it to I may be accustomed to slowness :).
(don't mean to hiJack your thread)

No worries, Tony.

I was just meaning that compared to other sites and pages, R-F just seems to be deliberate.

But it looks like it's not an issue for anyone else so, onward and upward as they say!!
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