
I'm getting nothing accomplished that I should be. I overslept, and still haven't gotten in the shower or picked up around the house. I've been busy scanning pics from homestead. However, I can no longer put off my plans. I must retire from the computer and get ready. Friends are coming in from philly and I still have to go to the grocery store. They'll be here in a couple of hrs. Ya'll have a great Sat and I while I hope all ya'lls drivers do well, I must say... GO RYAN!! WOOHOO

A few forums I visit including my own have been kinda dead. Perhaps the weather. Dunno.
Let's see....I checked in earlier but then I had the rotten Sat. stuff to do. You know, laundry, grocery shopping, dusting, vaccuming, etc. I have started stitiching on several needlework pieces for the state fair in Aug. If I don't start now, I'll never get them finished and to the framer by July. Oh, I also had to shovel the 4" of new, discusting snow we got.I also had time to catch the ARCA race during lunch. Other than that, not much doing in cheeseheadland. :cuckoo:
Let's see how my Saturday has gone---I woke up at 5:45 am for yard sales this morning, early bird gets the good bargins! Then it was off to an antique show, and then off to go shopping with a friend. Then came home to wash clothes, wash dishes and pick up the house. Next the kids and I went to the creek and found cool rocks and dead fish! Came home and fixed supper and now have 2 extra kids staying the night. I know I'm forgetting something but doesn't look like I've been bored today! :)
Gee you have had a full day!!!

What did I do?
I got up at 10:00.
Laid in bed and watched the ARCA race. Went out got the mail. Put a load of towles in the washer. Got on the computer. WEnt back sat in my room and watched TV. Ate dinner. Put a load of my clothes in the washer. Watched TV. Then now back on the computer. I was going to go with my sis-in-law while she got her hair cut i was going to watch the girls but she decided to wait untill next week to do that.

I am wroking hard on the project i need to get done huh!!! :rolleyes:
I spent all day in Manchester, NH at a robotics tournamnet. Then I came home and tried (and failed) to conquer Talladega in NASCAR Racing 2002 for PC. Now I'm on the internet here, while I rip a CD on another computer.
And now I'm going to do exactly what the title of this thread was, and the opposite of the sub-title, because I'm tired, and don't plan on sleeping until race time tomorrow.
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