Snow already? You've got to be kidding me.


I love short track racing (Taylor's Version)
Feb 16, 2009
A short track somewhere
W*USA calling for 20-30° temperatures and the powdery white stuff next week:mad: and it's only October:(

It's going to be a long Winter :(

Talk to Bucky before complaining about snow.

"You might be from Wisconsin if you've ever had to move your Memorial Day party inside because of snow." true

We have our last camping trip this weekend..Time to put the camper to bed for the year.
My good friend in Helena, Montana, has already had snow.

You're behind, Andy.

I remeber going through Montana to my aunt's house (in the booming metropolis of Roundup) and seeing snow in October as well.

Andy, yer a wuss.:D
My good friend in Helena, Montana, has already had snow.

You're behind, Andy.

It doesn't usually snow until December. Then again, this has been the coldest year on record, with meteorologists calling for an even colder winter this year. :eek:

This might be the winter that sends me running to Miami or San Diego!
I've lived in the Chicago area most of my life, so I'm pretty used to long winters with lots of snow. By far not the worst in the country, but we get our share.

When I was 14 we moved to Midlothian, VA. Our first winter there I remember one night we got about 1/4 inch of snow. The next morning the weatherman on the local news was advising people to say home. By noon all the snow was melted.

The worst winter weather I've been through was when I was going to college in Seattle. It almost never gets cold enough to snow there, but once it rained overnight when the temp dropped to well below freezing. The next day all the roads were covered in a sheet of ice. Not a good combination when you have steep roads. They only had 2 salt trucks for the entire city, so we pretty much had to wait until it was all melted before the roads were even driveable.

Highs in the 60s, lows mostly in the 50s, one day the low is in the mid-40s. The coldest days will be Sat and Sun, and even then it'll be around 58.

Highs in the 60s, lows mostly in the 50s, one day the low is in the mid-40s. The coldest days will be Sat and Sun, and even then it'll be around 58.

I'm only relaying what CBS News (W*USA) said. :confused:

I hope they're wrong though. I will GTFO if it's snowing before November.
When I lived in Colorado Springs it would snow almost every late Sept or early Oct., no big deal. Man you are a wimp when it comes to winter! Try living up here in New England Andy this is a real winter here, not the warm kind you get down there in Maryland.
Hmm, down here in NC it's been in the 60s all day, and it's suppose to drop from there. We have one more day in the 70s, and then it's 60s and below.
I for one embrace the change of seasons and winter. There is a lot to do in winter that i going snow shoeing, snowmobiling, walking a remote trail with my dogs. I like the quiet that snow brings to the forest, but then again i grew up here in New England. I always look forward to the begining of March though when baseball starts and i start getting spring fever, that's when i want the snow to leave. This winter is supposed to be cold and snowy here, my kind of winter!
Eh, the cold I don't mind so much. But here we get ice on the roads and not snow and the fools here don't know what to do. Me, I just work from home and stay off the roads.
Record tying/breaking heat here this week with high's in the 90s and heat index numbers around 105. Oh, there's a tropical storm out there, too....
It's beginning to feel a lot like August!
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