"So, are you available on Christmas and New Years Day?"


Team Owner
Sep 16, 2001
Boston, MA
My super just called me and asked me this.

I wonder if my loud laughter clued her in as to what the answer was.
Originally posted by paul
My super just called me and asked me this.

I wonder if my loud laughter clued her in as to what the answer was.

My answer would depend on what she looks like. :p
Originally posted by paul
My super just called me and asked me this.

I wonder if my loud laughter clued her in as to what the answer was.

Available for WHAT?
My guess is WORK kat.

Seeing as its his super that called. :rolleyes:
Depends on how much it pays. Triple my normal hourly rate, I'm there and hope the shift runs long.
:D The plant I work at willb be shut down through that week so I wont be available.
I would have responded,

"Are you ready to triple my salary?"
That's one reason why I still like school. I have a 3 week break over christmas and new year's.
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