So, What did you think of the awards banquet?

Bucky Badger

Go Kyle Go
May 11, 2003
Madison WI
I thought it was good, get rid of the live music and it would be better.

I liked the part when tony got up and said he did not have any wife or girlfriend to tell them they looked good, so he told the rest of the ladies they looked good. Like the other thread said Rusty did a great job, I sorta felt bad for Kurt Bush, in the middle of nomans land.
I'm not a Kurt fan, but I thought he done a great job. Not one negative thing. That had to take alot of inner strength.
Rusty, Mark, and Biffle done a great job.
Some of the jokes were lame.
yeah 88% of the jokes were lame, but i like the one he made about newman mistaking the bush series win for the cup win or something like that i dont remember, i though that was funny.
I thought it was pretty good as well. Kurt did a real nice job i thought. So did all of the other drivers.
I enjoyed it for the most part -- personally, the music and the "comedian" could go and not be missed.

I'm not a Kurt fan by any means, but he showed poise and class in what had to be a difficult situation.
I missed it. I didn't feel very well and hit the rack early, but I plumb forgot about it. Judging from some of the comments, it appears that once again, it was a staged event more for television than for those there at the banquet. I just don't like that format, but when they did it the other way, we missed a lot of the proceedings.
Banquet was good.
Great speech from Rusty, I'm sad to see him go, but I look forward to seeing him in the booth next year.
Kurt Busch said what he had to. Maybe he took a lesson in class form his little brother.
Congrats to Tony.
Where'd they find that bozo Jay Mohr? Hope they can't find him next year.
Who the heck is jay mohr? Lets get somebody that knows what the hell what they're jay leno. I guess somebody wrote leno but some idiot that cant read musta thought it said mohr. You could tell it was halfway staged, and I didn't care for the music either.
They had Jay Mohr last year too. And I didn't like him any better this year. He sure stuck "barbs" into KB abd RN. That kind of stuff is pretty uncalled for in my books. :confused:
Don't know 'who' picks the MC or entertainment(?), but it was not all that great either. The only parts I liked were the drivers and their presentations.
Rusty, Mark, Greg, Tony, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, especially Tony were very good. They were all so handsome in their finery!!!!! Don't they 'clean up" good?? LOL I fed Krystyl, and got water, and did my meds during most of the commercials and 'entertainment' parts. LOL :D
I guess they spent all the money on the drivers. That "entertainment" was all they could afford after writing out those big checks:)
Just wait until the entertainment will include a rap artist, or has it already? :)

Just stop and think who those in power are trying their very best to include in this sport. It's the hip hop generation and most of the younger drivers are already there. :(
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