So what's on the menu for this Saturday night



Well now lets see.............
If your one of the lucky few to attend the Bud Shootout watching party at our place, you can expect the following on PDR'S menu.

One 15 lbs Tejas style BBQ Beef Brisket!
Four racks of BBQ Beef Ribs, Cat-DADDY style!
One big ole pot of them way spicy potatoes!
One tub of Coleslaw and one Big Ole pot of Bake Beans!
Now for them beverages..........
A Boat load of ice cold Budweiser and one Bad Boy bottle of 108 proof Wild Turkey Rare Bread, gotta have something to salute with!
Oh and everyone will be staying the night too!
Here's to the perseason! :beerbang:
kat2220 said:
IF there any leftovers, fedex them to the Kat! :beerbang:

LOL......................I heard that, we'll have a house full this Saturday night!
I'm up just waiting on the Bud Shootout Practice , comes on around 15:00 on Speed TV! :beerbang:
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