Some REALLY stupid people

LOL, when the camera turns on, peoples common sense dissappears.

I love the dude that was mad so he kicked the sign and got tangled in it.
I wonder how long #14's buddy with the camera, or any other morons who were there to share in the spectacle, let him suffer before they helped get him out of there. I'd imagine just about every second felt like minutes. The moron with the bear trap had to have a similar experience waiting for people to figure out how to extricate him from the thing. I hope someone there had the foresight to figure out how to open it ahead of time before he got his hand and arm stuck in it, but I seriously doubt they did.
I know one thing - don't fight ice. I was in a situation at one of my son's rugby games and my (ex) wife bought some ice but it was solid. I tried to hit it on the ground but that didn't work - so - in order to expedite things for drinks, and be a hero - I just took a full "roundhouse" punch at it. I still have the scar.
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