Southern 500 Memories.......Ya'll come.



I hope this is gonna work this time. The other hosting fell through
so here's "plan B". These guys are my heroes and the models are my
tribute to an almost vanished breed. Many are also my friends and I
hope you enjoy the models and my feeble attempt to honor some brave
men. The password is .....ladyinblack.......then click on the album
the arrow points to. Hope you enjoy it an please let me know what you
think. Thanks.
Southern 500 Models
It said it had exceeded the maximum views for today. Hope I can see it tomorrow as I really enjoyed your first album.
Sorry about that. It took all of three minutes to max out. First time that ever happened to me. I'll leave it up for at least a couple of weeks so everyone gets a chance to see it.
Aw shucks ,you're welcome. I'm the one who is grateful for ya'll making me feel special. If you can't get in tomorrow, it only took about three minutes to max it out when it opened, I'm gonna leave it up a couple of weeks anyway. When we revamp the Catch Can E-magazine we'll add it to the galleries so you can see it in better resolution.
Originally posted by park30fan@Aug 29 2003, 11:33 PM
It said it had exceeded the maximum views for today. Hope I can see it tomorrow as I really enjoyed your first album.
Me neither. Looks like I will have to waite untill tomorrow.
Lots of good work there Luke.........thanks a bunch.

Just to pick at ya.....don't take it serious.......but the Galaxie of Juniors don't look like anything like the "Yellow Banana". Reckon you could build up one that looks that whacked out???
The "yellow banana" was run(and crashed" at Atlanta but I've got wone started and it ain't gonna be a "stock" stock car. LOL

One of my favorite cars of all time. There are those (myself among them) who believe that this car was almost solely responsible for the creation of body templates.
:) Just like last time, great pictures. Those cars look very realistic. Those must have taken you a long time to build!
Just got back on line after the holiday and would like to thank everyone who went by and checked out the picks. And a special thanks to the one who took the extra time to post comments. Thanks guys. Hang tight HS, that '66 is on the books.
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