Speech by John McCain


Team Owner
Jan 3, 2002
Northern VA
McCain to Carter, Clinton: SHUT UP!

Saying he was concerned that public criticism of President Bush by former U.S. leaders was damaging to America's interests, Sen. John McCain, R. Ariz., told ex-presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter on Tuesday to "shut up!"

"It was an unwritten rule for a long time," McCain told radio host Sean Hannity, "that you kept your mouth shut about the conduct, particularly of national security affairs, by the people that succeeded you. That is obviously not honored by either former President Carter or former President Clinton."

"Look, former presidents can do damage," McCain warned. "It's very unhelpful. It's in some ways damaging.

He then added, "I just have two words: Shut up!"

McCain said that former President Bush had "scrupulously" avoided criticizing President Clinton during his tenure in office. But the Vietnam war hero said that Carter and Clinton have lately stepped over the line.

"With all due respect to former President Carter and President Clinton, they do not have the information that a sitting president of the United States has," he complained.

The leading Republican also suggested that the American people trusted Bush with national security matters more than either of his Democrat predecessors.

"I think one of the reasons why President Bush won, is that they had more confidence in him to conduct our national security affairs," he told Hannity. "I think that was a very significant factor in President Bush's victory."

On Tuesday ex-President Carter complained to a foreign newspaper about Bush administration war plans against Iraq, telling London's Mirror, "There has been a virtual declaration of war but a case for preemptive action against Iraq has not been made. We want Saddam Hussein to disarm but we want to achieve this through peaceful means."

Last week ex-President Clinton warned on NBC's Today Show that the U.S. needs to give U.N. weapons inspectors in Iraq more time before taking military action.

Last month Democratic Party presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton criticized President Bush for ignoring Clinton administration warnings about Osama bin Laden and charged that the Bush administration had "mishandled North Korea."

>end of speech<

Who the hell is Hiltlery Klinton to say that Bush ignored warnings about bin Laden? And how did Bush mishandle NK? Doesn't she realize that this stuff was years in the making and just didn't pop up over the past two years.

God help us all if she goes any higher than the Senate.
Look for former President Clinton to try to be the leader of the UN ,he will try to oust Kofi Anan. I just read this on www.worldnetdaily.com will the Clintons ever stop? They want World power it is obvious and they have a lot of clout and money behind them, truly a scarry thought to ponder!!! :(
I am very proud to say that I voted for McCain in the primary. I thought then and think now that he is a capable man of ideas that had a vision for this country that I can support.

The Sex Offender's resume speaks louder than I ever could about his character and abilities.
Yep it sure does.....good upstanding citizen that Mr. Clinton, great role model for my kids or any one elses. The guy needs to be knocked down a peg, given what he truly deserves....a jail sentence!
Exactly what should Clinton go to jail for? Not being a role model to your kids?
Originally posted by 8Flojo8@Feb 24 2003, 08:25 AM
Exactly what should Clinton go to jail for? Not being a role model to your kids?
Sexual Battery for starters. Rape is a possibility. His staff members could go up for Theft and/or Vandalism for their actions leaving The White House. Perjury is certain.
Does Perjuy count.....hmmm lets see ...oh the sex thing like how many times? Oh yeh then there was that land deal thing, the trail of missing and dead people that seems to " miracoulusly" (spell?) evaporate every time a lawyer or DA investigates it. 8Flojo8 should i go on because if you want i can list about 10 pages of illegal dealings he has had and still has?! . Oh yeh Enron i forgot that one!
Amen Mopardh9!

Let's not forget: Where was Clinton during Vietnam? Oh that's right... dodging
I am sadden that former leaders can't back the leader we have now. regardless of party.
Yep it is a huge no no to do that for a former president, just shows how desperate the Democrats are to un-seat Bush, they will do anything to undermine his presidency.
Ahhhh...that seemed to get a few of you fired up. Now for a little clarification.
Mopardh9- I totally missed the point of your post. I thought you wanted a jail sentence because of his not being a moral guy. I was wrong. It's happened before... twice. ;) Also, the Enron scandal ties very closely to Cheney. Worldcom was the Democrat scandal.
TN-Ward-Fan- I don't think Clinton is a rapist. He committed adultery and perjury. That's a fact, no debate about it.
KSUrocks- Clinton dodged Vietnam, as did Bush. He got in the National Guard through family connections. No problem with that. Only thing is he kinda disappeared for about a year. He went AWOL.
As to the missing and dead people...well, I've read that long list. I'd like to learn more about it, as I don't know much. It's definately shady.
I'm not a fan of Bill or Hillary Clinton, and I loathe Al Gore with every ounce of my being.
What bothers me is that George Bush is hailed as the moral leader that Clinton wasn't. That doesn't fly with me. I don't see him restoring honor and integrity to the White House. I really just have no respect for the guy. That said, when it comes to the war, I trust this administration. I get tired of people babbling on and on about how this is a war for oil. It's not. I know that, and I'm pretty sure most people on this board know it. For foreign policy, I trust 'em. Fiscal policy, I diasgree, but hey, that's just politics. :) And now I think I'm getting really off topic. So, I hope everything's a little more clear now. Cheers to you all. :cheers:
Originally posted by 8Flojo8@Feb 24 2003, 10:29 PM
TN-Ward-Fan- I don't think Clinton is a rapist. He committed adultery and perjury. That's a fact, no debate about it.
Speaking as one who makes a living in the law enforcement field, I beg to differ. Rape has many definitions in the legal/court system. Some of those definitions apply to his alleged ;) acts.
Flojo ...Clinton is tied ot Enron... major contributions were made to his campaign from Enron big wigs. And i was stating before about his morality and tying it together with his illegal doings to make the point that he is corrupt in his thinking,his actions , and his opinions. He is a corrupt individual all around, perhaps i did not word it correctly, or perhaps you read into it what you wanted to see! When the democrats and crazy liberals (are they one in the same?) stop trashing the president and support him , maybe we can actually get something accomplished in this country. Most people only see the "now", not the big picture, Bush has a vision for this country, unlike Clinton who only had a vision for his pocketbook and his self-centered mentality, not to mention his penchant for questionable sexual practices. To each his or her own, but i sure the hell wouldn't want a democrat in office right now! :D
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