speeding cameras

have you ever heard of such a thing?

more :bsflag: from Maryland.
Yes. Texas started using them last year- If the radar detects you over 3 MPH over the limit, the camera sends TxDOT your license plate.

but i'm yet to actually see one.
Speeding camera's were tried but there's something in the law that doesn't allow their use. New law will be out soon I'm sure. We do have red light cameras, sweet little money makers they are. :sarcasm:

Takes a photo of your car going thru the light, you have 3/10's of a second after it turns red. The car's owner gets the ticket not the driver!!

I'm not saying running reds is good but there are times when it's just not possible to stop. And the sneaky bastages have shortened the duration of the yellow so if you know the light you knew you could make it before it turned red,,no more.:(
I got one of these a couple years ago. My wife went through a school zone at 28mph. They sent me a picture of her van, which is registered in my name along with a bill for $100.00.
Not speeding cameras, but they do have the red light cameras installed in a few places aroud here, but not in use because they're being held up in courts.

Ya know, from 88-91 I was stationed in Germany. During that time, Germany used the speeding cameras all over the place, and you would damn sure get a ticket in the mail along with a picture of your car and license plate. And that was 20 years ago.
They were in VA for a while but something came up about them being unconstitutional. I forgot what it was...

If you get a ticket from a camera, take it to court, especially if you weren't driving. Its up to the court/proesecuting attorney to put you behind the wheel. That being said, don't go to court and lie about it, unless you want to risk perjury charges...
We have a traffic court program on cable. If you say your father, mother, sister, brother etc was driving the judge will say to get the money from them after you pay the court clerk. Next case.
We have a traffic court program on cable. If you say your father, mother, sister, brother etc was driving the judge will say to get the money from them after you pay the court clerk. Next case.

That's not right. (Not you, the judge) If people start appealing his decisions, someone will correct him.

Its not up to him, but the prosecuting attorney to put someone behind the steering wheel.
That's not right. (Not you, the judge) If people start appealing his decisions, someone will correct him.

Its not up to him, but the prosecuting attorney to put someone behind the steering wheel.

This is a traffic court, no lawyers. Yes you can request a trial but when they show the film, not just a single photo, a film of your car going thru the light your goose is pretty much cooked. Unless you can get the driver, if it really wasn't you to come to court and 'fess up.
We have strange laws here. By the legal definition there's no such thing as a accident. A driver has to be able to stop in 2 feet doing 50 mph, ignoring the laws of physics, otherwise they're guilty of negligent operation of a motor vehicle and failure to maintain control. So it's not a accident, you were negligent. DAMHIKT
It's a fine. There are no points assessed. I see nothing wrong with getting some of you lead foots to slow down and pay attention to the lights. That may be me going thru on my green that gets hit...
We have red light cameras all over the place here. If there's a clear shot of the lic. plate, there's no fighting it in court.
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