Spencer slowest

Maybe he really is afraid of Kurt Busch:D Jimmy join us on the forum this Sunday,We won't fart,and fan it in your face like Kurt did. :p
Apparently Marty Snider and Matt Yokum attempted to talk to him after he got out of his car and he refused walking away pissed. Maybe Kurt threw a banana peel out on turn nine. Jimmy you suck.
Well what really happened is Jimmy Got screwed. He was in the 42 car not his regular 41 in which Scott Pruett was driving. The fact is the 42 sucked very badly while the 41 was easily capable of making the race.
Originally posted by Awesome_Bill
Well what really happened is Jimmy Got screwed.  He was in the 42 car not his regular 41 in which Scott Pruett was driving.  The fact is the 42 sucked very badly while the 41 was easily capable of making the race.

Hired Guns strike again.........wish Nascar would do a rule change on that "specialty" thing.
Nascar will NEVER do anything about it...its NASCAR what can you expect. Too bad that it has to be that way though.
A few comments the last couple of weeks from the Ganassi camp indicate that Spencer may be under the gun to better his performance. The teams results to this point have been a disappointment to the organization.

I'm sure Jimmy was upset and perhaps rightfully so. I wuld liek to see Jimmy do better and thought this year he would have the equipment to do so. But it must said that except for a very few races he has been a non factor. Since he has access to the same equipment and resources as his team mate, improvement needs to be shown soon. IMHO
Do you guys really want NASCAR telling car owners who they can have drive their cars??
Just think...After missing the race hes gonna be really depressed. And when hes depressed He eats more and more donuts. Next week there gonna have to make that window a little bigger.
he will take out his frustration out on another innocent driver like he did Busch..........i say good riddance to Spencer..........
Originally posted by HardScrabble
Do you guys really want NASCAR telling car owners who they can have drive their cars??

No HS, I don't want NASCAR telling owners who can drive their cars. But, something can be done. How about any driver in a points race having to be on, at least, a part-time payroll? I just think it's a little unfair for the regular drivers to be booted for a couple races because they can't do as well as the owner would like at a specific type of track. Granted, the drivers need to improve their skills so they can drive on all the tracks throughout the year.......but hard to do when your owner doesn't want to invest in improving the skills. Instead, they take the cheap and easy way and hire a "specialist". Only time you ever hear about Boris Said or Ron Fellows (though Ron can and does run Busch occassionally) except the two weeks each year of the road courses? I think NASCAR, with all their rules, can come up with something that would really help the competition in the sport......help with the competition among the regulars. I just don't like the hired guns thing.

BTW.......I don't like the "Busch Whackers" either for the same reasons.
Chip Ganassi seemed amused when asked if he had yet spoken to Jimmy about not making the race. He said they saw this as an opportunity to make something happen with the team, that it needed a boost.

When asked if he would be speaking to Jimmy after this, Chip answered, with a grin on his face, "Oh, I'm sure I will".

Looks like ol' Jimmy's feet are being put to the fire here.
Think missing the race here was Bad? What about when he missed the 500, He must have really been Pissed.
Originally posted by Awesome_Bill
Think missing the race here was Bad?   What about when he missed the 500, He must have really been Pissed.

As a matter of fact he accepted 100% of the blame for not making the Daytona 500. The guy has faults but give him a break.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2

No HS, I don't want NASCAR telling owners who can drive their cars.  But, something can be done.  How about any driver in a points race having to be on, at least, a part-time payroll?  I just think it's a little unfair for the regular drivers to be booted for a couple races because they can't do as well as the owner would like at a specific type of track.  Granted, the drivers need to improve their skills so they can drive on all the tracks throughout the year.......but hard to do when your owner doesn't want to invest in improving the skills.  Instead, they take the cheap and easy way and hire a "specialist".  Only time you ever hear about Boris Said or Ron Fellows (though Ron can and does run Busch occassionally) except the two weeks each year of the road courses?  I think NASCAR, with all their rules, can come up with something that would really help the competition in the sport......help with the competition among the regulars.  I just don't  like the hired guns thing.

BTW.......I don't like the "Busch Whackers" either for the same reasons.

I don't like the term "hired guns" or "ringers" or whatnot.

An owner can put whichever driver he wants into his car. Don't be so afraid of outsiders, you still get the race.
Originally posted by DE Wrangler 2

 Granted, the drivers need to improve their skills so they can drive on all the tracks throughout the year.......but hard to do when your owner doesn't want to invest in improving the skills.  Instead, they take the cheap and easy way and hire a "specialist".  
BTW.......I don't like the "Busch Whackers" either for the same reasons.

I agree, DE W, but if it came down to a great driver that had some serious standings in the points, an owner wouldn't replace him...
For NASCAR to try and regulate "replacement" drivers opens a door best left closed IMHO.

Just as one problem iwth the deal. It would be virtually unenforceble.

"Jimmy you just sprained your ankle bad. Looks like you won't be able to drive at the Glen, we'll get Boris to drive for ya."

"There's nothing wrong with my ankle Chip!"

"Do you want there to be?"

As HH points out if the driver is seriously in the points chase, he doesn't get booted.

Besides that, I like seeing the WC regulars match up against the ringers. Most of the time just proves how tough this series is.
Okay.......my opinion still holds for me. Not gonna argue about it but I don't like it.:)
I don't get this. If the 41 is spencer's regular ride and he failed to qualify in the 42 why can't he run the 41 car in the race even though pruett qualified it. I have seen for years other people qualify a certain car for another driver in their absence. or is the fact that spencer was there that keeps him out of the 41? :confused:
Even If spencer wanted to race the 41, Gannasi wouldnt let him. Pruett Tested the car, and he'll race it too.
Originally posted by Awesome_Bill
Even If spencer wanted to race the 41, Gannasi wouldnt let him.  Pruett Tested the car, and he'll race it too.

What's the point? Jimmy didn't make the field. Who are us Jimmy fans gonna blame? Damn......hope something exciting happens Sunday, otherwise we are going to have a borring week without the Jimmy-Kurt saga to bat back and forth!!:D
All I saw Pruett do in a cup car a few years ago was wreck,at any track. In fact I was at the vegas race in 2000 and all I heard on the scanner was how he was in the way. almost every driver out there was yelling about him.
Well, Ganassi seems to think he's got a lot better shot at doing well than Spencer.

It is unfortunate. I was looking forward to seeing him road race. :(
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