Spending time in the kitty litter.....


B.C. - 24

Who do you think will spend the most time in the kitty littler this weekend?

Joe Nemechek is my guess. He can't seem to have anything go right for him these days.
I will say Tony the Tigar,trying to cover the crap he made last week :p
Steve is 35th in points and might not get the chance, and Kenny ain't lookin real good either
Well I would say Jimmy Spencer but he did not make the race. DOH!
I think my driver, DJ! He already knows the way and his car is trained from last year. ROFL
lol adjfan. My guess Is Mikey. He is no road racer and he qualified 2nd. He'll be going to the back in a hurry...and find the sand on the way.
Originally posted by B.C. - 24
Who do you think will spend the most time in the kitty littler this weekend?

Well, not my cat since she decided the dining room floor was better this afternoon....

Anyhoo, great question BC24, I think probably Mickey, and maybe some of the all-stars in the back trying too hard to get to the front. I love me some road racin'!
I'm sorry DJ fans, but this Kat knows kitty litter,

DJ, hopefully hired guns, robby, spencer.

BUT Y'ALL BE CAREFUL, and who cares.

Cheer and cry for your fave no matter what.

I'll put my neck out on a limb. DJ will not find the kitty litter this weekend unless he gets some help. He has practiced his heel and toe technique and the team has improved the cars brake system.
Actually, last year I was laughing so hard because the announcers were making it funny. Felt bad for DJ and of course,
disappointed he wasn't doing better but it was kind of funny. I'm sure he'd have a different take on it. ROFL

Guess if I could pick, it'd be the hired guns but I agree, it's going to be some of the big guns trying too hard too early to get to the front.

Glad I'm not driving, I couldn't pit going in the opposite direction. Although, that's the side my gas tank is on for me. ROFL
It was actually pretty funny watching DJ play around in the litter after a while last year. I don't see much changing for the old guy this year. Right turns don't seem to be his strong suit.
DJ may surprise, may not.

This is the first year since 1995 that Dale will start the race outside the top ten. Before last years embarassment he had three straight top ten finishes.

The driver with the least patience in moving up usually spends the most time in the litter. Based on that watch Herman, Steve Park, Nemechek, Sadler and Said.
I thought it was pretty funny down at Sears Point this year.

I think it was about Mikey's 7th or 8th spin off the track and Larry Mac says (in his southern accent), "Mikey's big adventure continues".
You ready for this? I think my guy.........Jr, will spend way too much time in the liter! Hope not but, hey he's not very good at them crooked roads, ya know!! He took some lessons on road courses like his dad.......but, so far, it appears he didn't retain as much!!:)
Decided after watching my Nascar programs that Matt Kenseth may be one to watch. He said he can't listen to Robby Gordon anymore, gets him in trouble. ROFL
I can see both of the rookies in the litter before the end of the race. Newman has never raced there before and the last time I saw Johnson race there he slamed right into the wall.
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