

Admin & Resident Techie
Staff member
Oct 18, 2005
Ft Worth Tx
is it just me, or has NASCAR taken just a smidge too much downfore away? JEff said they took 1" away, I say give them 1/4 back. The sideskirts helped, but not enough. Gota say, Kyle may be a pompous ass, but he sure can wheel a car. He didn't spin what, 8 times today?
is it just me, or has NASCAR taken just a smidge too much downfore away? JEff said they took 1" away, I say give them 1/4 back. The sideskirts helped, but not enough. Gota say, Kyle may be a pompous ass, but he sure can wheel a car. He didn't spin what, 8 times today?

I think you're onto something. Give them an even bigger spoiler for speedway races. That will slow them down and give them the extra grip they need to avoid the big ones.
I think you're onto something. Give them an even bigger spoiler for speedway races. That will slow them down and give them the extra grip they need to avoid the big ones.
yep,their too lose,SHRUB,i'm impressed.
I think you're onto something. Give them an even bigger spoiler for speedway races. That will slow them down and give them the extra grip they need to avoid the big ones.

Nah, you gotta do JUST the opposite! Reduce the spoiler even more and make the tires as hard as bowling balls so that they have NO grip and NO downforce.

Then take away the restrictor plate and let em race! See who has the huevos to hold the pedal to the metal...

The fact that every car can run around the track wide freaking open is ree-donk-u-lous! If the drivers had to LIFT off of the throttle when entering the turns, it would be racing. What we have now is nothing more than a 200 MPH parade.
has an indy car ever been ran at a plate track just for the hell of it?
Nah, you gotta do JUST the opposite! Reduce the spoiler even more and make the tires as hard as bowling balls so that they have NO grip and NO downforce.

Then take away the restrictor plate and let em race! See who has the huevos to hold the pedal to the metal...

The fact that every car can run around the track wide freaking open is ree-donk-u-lous! If the drivers had to LIFT off of the throttle when entering the turns, it would be racing. What we have now is nothing more than a 200 MPH parade.
now,how long would you last in a race like that?
I think it was the bumping in the corners that casued the wrecks, driver error in other words. I also think these guys learned from it and there won't be as much of it in the 500 until the last 10 laps or so. If I remember correctly bumping in the corners was pretty much frowned upon until last year, because it initiated wrecks. Pretty much does that at most tracks, if you bump a guy in a corner you will get him loose, even on a short track. I'd be interested to see this spoiler configuration on a non plate track just for the hell of it. It reminds of the way they used to be back in the late 60s and the early 70s.
I think it was the bumping in the corners that casued the wrecks, driver error in other words. I also think these guys learned from it and there won't be as much of it in the 500 until the last 10 laps or so. If I remember correctly bumping in the corners was pretty much frowned upon until last year, because it initiated wrecks. Pretty much does that at most tracks, if you bump a guy in a corner you will get him loose, even on a short track. I'd be interested to see this spoiler configuration on a non plate track just for the hell of it. It reminds of the way they used to be back in the late 60s and the early 70s.
yes,all were coused by driver error,they just gota relearn,they forgot
now,how long would you last in a race like that?

LOL Me? Probably 2 or 3 turns - at best! But I am not a professional racecar driver. They would all adapt to the conditions and once they learned the limits, the majority of them would do just fine, I am sure.

I can hear Mikey crying about it now...
I think it was the bumping in the corners that casued the wrecks, driver error in other words. I also think these guys learned from it and there won't be as much of it in the 500 until the last 10 laps or so. If I remember correctly bumping in the corners was pretty much frowned upon until last year, because it initiated wrecks. Pretty much does that at most tracks, if you bump a guy in a corner you will get him loose, even on a short track. I'd be interested to see this spoiler configuration on a non plate track just for the hell of it. It reminds of the way they used to be back in the late 60s and the early 70s.

This is true. And the extra side-skirt, trunk flap, and bumper showed with kyle busch, dale Jr, and clint bowyer that side force is a good thing for preventing crashes since the car basically steers itself back straight. Kyle got the attention, but Jr and Clint also got knocked back loose from contact and the car went from dead sideways back straight in a hurry. They just need a tad more downforce on the back, specifically the right rear, to help things out for drafting. Not a ton more, just enough to keep the rear tires planted when hit from the left rear. The right rear was fine considering thats how 80% of them were pushing.
Yes , please give them back more spoiler...or Kyle will win every damn race.
I beleive the combination of less spoiler and extending the rear bumper has really upset the balance if not for the trunk blade there would have been ALOT more wrecked cars Sat nite.
Sure the bumping caused alot of it ( Face it Gordon just flat knocked Busch outta the way ) but extendeing the rear panel has created a high pressure point under the rear of the cars and took away downforce.
I think you're onto something. Give them an even bigger spoiler for speedway races. That will slow them down and give them the extra grip they need to avoid the big ones.

I saw give them nitro and let em rip man!!!!!
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