Spring Break!

Tonight after I take my midterm in Geometry / Trigonmetry I will be on spring break!! YAHOO!!!
During Spring break all i am doign is painting my room. Right now its white, I am painting it a gray color!! With the 300 plus NASCAR items in my room it will take me a day to put everythign up, a day to paint, and a day to put everything back!! Then I have a 16 week project to start that is do in 8 weeks :D Just love procrastinating!!
We always had so much fun on Spring Break. Enjoy it, it will be over before you know it.
Originally posted by nascarwoman@Mar 6 2003, 03:31 PM

So, are you headed for the beach for the sun, sand and beautiful women?
No sand in Central Illinois, hopefully there will be some sun and there is always beautiful women B) Can't afford a trip down to the promise land, would be great to do a time or two :D
Can't decide what to do for my spring break. Shall I go to Arizona with my family to visit my grandparents, great grandma (who is sick and unfortuntly doesn't have a lot of time) or should I stay here while my friend, who I haven't seen in years, flies in from Ohio to stay the week? :unsure:
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