State of the Union tonight. New Ad on TV


Here kitty, kitty, kitty
Nov 14, 2002
Winston Salem, NC
I understand that Susan Surranden has made a commercial that will be aired before and possibly after the State of the Union address by President Bush. From what I've heard, the commercial will ask the question, What has Iraq done to us? It is to be a totally anti war commercial and as I see it, an anti Bush and Republican one as well. I'm hoping that we will see an address that will pull this country together on this possible war, or else it's going to continue to divide us as it did in the past. If Bush is powerful enough in his address and provides a big push in his direction, (and that's a big if) what will be the reaction to the commercial? I can't wait to see what happens either way.
Isn't Susan Sarandon one of the many actors that said they were all going to leave American if Bush were elected?

I wonder what she's still doing here...:eek:
I'm an American and I support the President. Perhaps Susan Sarandon can do a better job as President? I didn't think so!
I believe those actors who said they would leave the country if Bush was elected ended up saying they were only kidding! Yeah, right. It's one thing to be partisan, but it's another thing to go this far. I have absolutely no problem with anyone disenting. That's part of our heritage. But the Hollywood bunch have a bottomless pocket and the means to spew their tripe. I only wish I could do the same. :(
Originally posted by buckaroo
I understand that Susan Surranden has made a commercial that will be aired before and possibly after the State of the Union address by President Bush.

Hey, CB!

Don't get me started. :D

I'm about sick of see these Hollywood morons with their political statements. It has gotten to the point that I don't even go to movies anymore. I refuse to spend my money and make these leftists rich so that they can live in style and then get into the media and tell me what is wrong with my way of living and thinking.

Screw them!

It should be interesting to hear what the president has to say. I hope he has some positive plans for the economy. I'll bet he tries to make a strong case for a war against Iraq. I wonder how much support he'll get on that point.
I wonder who is actually swayed by these "celebrities". Would what Martin Sheen says about an issue change your mind at all about that issue? They think because they play the President or someone else who is supposed to be intelligent that people will automatically think they are themselves, intelligent. Would these people let Noah Wyle perform surgery on them just because he plays a doctor on tv?
The president represents the US. He does not lead the country by himself as we all know.

I have no other choice but to put my faith in the US government and it's leaders. I'm not leaving!
I just read that the ads were only being shown in Washington and New York. Thank God I didn't see them. I just wonder why they were only showing them in those two areas. Nah, I understand completely why. Those two areas are rife with anti Bush supporters.
Politics first,Business later.Typical Republican,and democrat out cry. ;)
Didn't see the address, as I have night class. Was Iraq main point of the speech?

I see nothing wrong with actors telling their opinions. Even though I disagree with them. And as far as them having money, yet I wish I could get my opinions on TV too, but thats the way the world works. Would Bush, Clinton, Kennedy or countless other politicans be elected president if their family didn't have money? I'm sure they could, but it would be darn hard. Maybe its comparing apples to oranges, but I guess I'm just saying money talks. It always has and probably always will. I'd be 1000 times more upset if people don't support the troops and demonstrate during a war.
Susan Sarandon, who came first to our attention by running around a creepy mansion in her underwear (Dammit, Janet!) is gonna advise the nation on foreign policy. Terrific.

Wonder what Dennis Rodman's opinion is? Or Roseanne's? Or the guy who played Luke on The Dukes Of Hazzard?


"Air Saddam Flight 101, leaving Hollywood for Iraq is now boarding."
Thena again Jessie was gov of Minnesota, and Reagan was President. Maybe Susan should run for office! Man I'd love to see posts on that subject :D ;)
While the ad wasn't shown in this area, it sure made the news, so I got to see it for myself. Did anybody else? All I have to say is, if W is right, those people are really gonna look like the idiots we, or some of us, think they are.
Just wanted to post this here, as it seemed the appropriate thread to put it in. It is an article from a site called It is a political commentary site. It needs no further introduction or comment from me. Particular agreement with the final 2 sentences.

Say these words with feeling: We're at war, and our enemies are Islamic fascists. Can you do it? If not—if we're a nation too timid to express that truth without apology—then we've put ourselves at a dangerous disadvantage.

Why would I doubt America's mettle? Among other reasons, the products of late coming out of Hollywood. The medium that film historian Garth Jowett once called "the democratic art"—the movies—is a means of collective thought, a reflection of our national identity and purposes, a record of the times. If we truly grasped the nature of the America-hating, West-loathing, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian evil that confronts us, film heroes would be fighting it on every front. So far, we've left our enemies strangely unmolested.
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