Hi, fellow fans. I am quite peeved at the current situation regarding language, actions, and the drivers/crews. I have been a NASCAR fan for a long time and still remember when drivers could say what was on their mind---with reasonable manners, of course. Things have gotten to the point I seldom watch driver interviews any more. They can only say certain things---and better not get mad---or even too happy and slip.
An idea struck me today as I read of Helton's warning to the drivers again not to curse, even with the broadcast delay. I have no problem with cleaning up language, but a slip because of extreme anger or joy is not worth points---jack up the fine--ok, make a list of things they can say---just get some order and rules.
I posted on Marty's site on the NASCAR official website and could not type in the word 'crap'! My father was a minister and my mother a school teacher and neither objected to that word!
Ok, the idea. Many drivers are under extra stress because of The Chase, their position in the rest of the field, and just lousy racing luck. Couple those with the expectations of sponsors---which will increase next year due to The Chase---and testing, more races, and the requirements to be fan friendly that they don't need more unnecessary rules and regulations.
So, if King Mike is not forthcoming with a set of guidelines as to language, what is acceptable and what is not---this IS his problem since he started issuing point reductions---what if all--or most---of the drivers simply said the same thing to every interview question? Or a stock set of answers---the same thing--with applicable sponsor labels---to the standard questions?
I have a feeling most of the pit reporters are sympathetic to the stress on everyone and would tend to cooperate. They already do--witness the fact they did not pursue Smoke after yesterdays crash.
That, along with fan outrage, might force Helton and the head shed into some kind of workable solution.
It is their game, but if no one plays, it hurts them more.
Nuff soapbox. Sorry for the rant---but the crud---I could use that one on the website---is getting to be too much.
An idea struck me today as I read of Helton's warning to the drivers again not to curse, even with the broadcast delay. I have no problem with cleaning up language, but a slip because of extreme anger or joy is not worth points---jack up the fine--ok, make a list of things they can say---just get some order and rules.
I posted on Marty's site on the NASCAR official website and could not type in the word 'crap'! My father was a minister and my mother a school teacher and neither objected to that word!
Ok, the idea. Many drivers are under extra stress because of The Chase, their position in the rest of the field, and just lousy racing luck. Couple those with the expectations of sponsors---which will increase next year due to The Chase---and testing, more races, and the requirements to be fan friendly that they don't need more unnecessary rules and regulations.
So, if King Mike is not forthcoming with a set of guidelines as to language, what is acceptable and what is not---this IS his problem since he started issuing point reductions---what if all--or most---of the drivers simply said the same thing to every interview question? Or a stock set of answers---the same thing--with applicable sponsor labels---to the standard questions?
I have a feeling most of the pit reporters are sympathetic to the stress on everyone and would tend to cooperate. They already do--witness the fact they did not pursue Smoke after yesterdays crash.
That, along with fan outrage, might force Helton and the head shed into some kind of workable solution.
It is their game, but if no one plays, it hurts them more.
Nuff soapbox. Sorry for the rant---but the crud---I could use that one on the website---is getting to be too much.